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  • A Ridiculous Question With An Obvious Answer

    Contributed by Johnny Samuel on Aug 4, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    How we as Christian ask a question that we know the answer to to

    EXODUS 17: 1-7 A Ridiculous Question with an Obvious Answer I want to talk about a ridiculous question with an obvious answer. This is a ridiculous question, due to the fact that these are Gods anointed Gods appointed, Gods chosen peoples asking this ridiculous question. Is the Lord among us more

  • It's Not Too Late

    Contributed by Johnny Samuel on Jan 24, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    when you thought it was over God says it’s not too late.

    IT”S NOT TOO LATE John 11: 20 - 22 Turn to your neighbor and repeat these words after me say neighbor it’s not too late. God encourage our heart that it is not to late. A lot of times the enemy tries to convenience us that we missed our blessing. The devil will play with your mind. He will say if more

  • Your Delieverance Is In Your Praise

    Contributed by Johnny Samuel on Jan 16, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    when we learn how to give God some Praise everything we need is in our praise

    Psalm 50: 14-15& 23 Your deliverance is in the praise Many times we will run into or upon someone that will say that deliverance is for the Pentecostal people. Which is truly wrong it is for all of Gods children? I even had some people to tell me that it don’t take all of that to p raise the more