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  • Maundy Thursday Reflection Series

    Contributed by John Saynor on Mar 28, 2024

    We all want to be remembered don’t we? Look at the memorials on the walls…people who would be long forgotten whom the parishioners at the time didn’t want them to be forgotten. There is a memorial right here for a rector who was here in 1830!

    Phyllis and Doug Weir were parishioners of mine in the parish where I served my curacy in Peterborough, Ontario . They would often have me over to their home for dinner and on one such occasion, Phyllis brought this out – a Royal Doulton figurine of an old man who was selling balloons – and gave more

  • A God Of Forgiveness

    Contributed by John Saynor on Feb 23, 2021

    The appointed Psalm for Ash Wednesday describes a God who forgives and forgets! For those who have difficulty accepting God's forgiveness, it would do well to read Psalm 103: 8-18.

    Today I want to talk about forgiveness. It has been on my mind for some time now as a result of our regular use of our liturgies to guide us in worship. It has come to me that during our liturgies we repeat our need for forgiveness so often that I’m sure God gets tired of listening to us. What more

  • Imagine Peace On Earth

    Contributed by John Saynor on Dec 14, 2020

    Every year just after Christmas in our house, we sit down and go through all the Christmas cards one more time. While doing that, we choose three of our favourites and out of those three we chose the one we like the most. Our choice this year says, "Imagine Peace on Earth".

    Every year just after Christmas in our house, we sit down and go through all the Christmas cards one more time. While doing that, we choose three of our favourites and out of those three we chose the one we like the most. This year we have already made our choice about three weeks ago and here it more