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  • Law And Grace

    Contributed by John Newton on Mar 2, 2025

    Paul is calling the church members in Galatia to genuine spiritual maturity

    One of the great things about being a follower of Jesus is that you quickly discover that you are a member of a vast international family that encircles the entire world. I am not a huge traveller, but it has been my privilege to worship with other believers in such faraway places as Australia, more

  • Good News For All

    Contributed by John Newton on Feb 3, 2025

    The Galatians wanted to put restrictions on the new Gentile converts in their church. But Paul put his foot down...

    The little churches in Galatia were facing a serious issue—and they didn’t know what to do about it. It may seem surprising, but their problem revolved around the fact that they were growing. And the new people (there seemed to be more and more of them all the time!) just weren’t fitting in. It more

  • He Will Speak Peace

    Contributed by John Newton on Dec 10, 2024

    We focus on peace in the Second Sunday of Advent, in Psalm 85.

    I wonder how many of you, when you’re reading a book, take time to examine the copyright page or read through the backflap or the author’s bio. I have to admit that as often as not I am one of those people. When I’m reading a book I can often find it helpful to know a little bit about who wrote it more

  • "Some Things Bear Repeating”

    Contributed by John Newton on Aug 14, 2024

    John has words to share with the older and younger members of the church

    Last month Karen and I went on a road trip. It took us a little over 4400 kilometers in all, and along the way we enjoyed some wonderful scenery: the picturesque former mill town of Almonte just outside Ottawa, the quiet lakeside village of Haliburton, the thundering roar of Niagara Falls, the more

  • Living In A Far From Perfect World

    Contributed by John Newton on Mar 18, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Peter’s words to slaves in the first century are relevant to our world in the twenty-first.

    I suspect that a number of you have heard the old story of the young man who was desperately seeking God’s guidance for some crucial issue in his life. For some reason he decided that the best way forward might be simply to allow his Bible to fall open randomly and then follow the wisdom of more

  • What’s In A Name?

    Contributed by John Newton on Dec 28, 2023

    The angel told Joseph to name Mary’s baby “Jesus” for a reason...

    If you were expecting a baby—and you knew it was going to be a boy—what do you think you would name him? Well, in Canada apparently the most popular name for boys right now is Noah, followed closely by Liam and William. (And for the record, the top three girls’ names are Olivia, Emma and more

  • The Journey Of Joy

    Contributed by John Newton on Dec 17, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Three perspectives on joy from Isaiah

    As I was preparing to preach this week, I considered giving my sermon the title “Getting Serious About Joy”. Then I thought better of it and came up with “Joy Is No Laughing Matter”. All joking aside, were you aware that joy is currently the subject of a high-level academic examination? Nine years more

  • There’s More To The Story

    Contributed by John Newton on Nov 19, 2023

    It seems that John has finished writing his gospel. But no! He adds another chapter.

    For the last couple of Sundays we’ve been reading from John 20—the beloved disciple’s dramatic account of Jesus’ resurrection. We’ve stood with Mary Magdalene weeping outside the empty tomb as she mistook the risen Jesus for the gardener. And we’ve been with the disciples in the upper room as they more

  • It Didn’t Just Happen

    Contributed by John Newton on Jun 4, 2023

    The crucifixion of Jesus was not a random incident: it was part of God’s plan from eternity

    It was a journey of some two thousand kilometers—from Jerusalem all the way back to what is modern-day Sudan. The lone traveler had come to worship at the Temple. And I can only imagine that it was for him a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As his horse plodded along, he occupied his time by more

  • "Before Abraham Was” Series

    Contributed by John Newton on Jun 4, 2023

    Jesus’ controversy with the Pharisees concludes with the most amazing claim.

    For those of you who are old enough to have watched the Seinfeld show on TV, you may recall an episode from twenty-five years ago entitled “The Comeback”. It all revolved around a conversation in the opening scene between George Costanza and a co-worker named Reilly. The two are taking a snack more

  • "A Well, A Woman And Living Water” Series

    Contributed by John Newton on Mar 5, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    There is a lot to learn from Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman by the well

    Just outside the city of Nablus on the Palestinian West Bank is the village of Balata. In the late 1980s and early 1990s it was the site of the major rioting that is now infamously known as the First Intifada. All told, that violence led to the deaths of more than a thousand people. Perhaps less more

  • An Everlasting Love

    Contributed by John Newton on Dec 19, 2022

    About a third of the way through the letter “J” in my dictionary you will come across the word “jeremiad”..

    About a third of the way through the letter “J” in my dictionary you will come across the word “jeremiad”. And what, you ask, is a jeremiad? Well, a jeremiad is defined as (and I quote) “a long literary work, in which the author bitterly laments the state of society and its morals in a serious tone more

  • Remember Your Leaders Series

    Contributed by John Newton on Nov 16, 2022

    It seems to me that this concluding chapter is something of a catch-all. I can imagine that the author’s hand might be aching after all this writing. So now he is packing as much as he can into his concluding words.

    Wow! We’ve been reading and making our way through Hebrews for a long time. It was way back in January that we started. Now it seems almost as though that is shrouded in the mists of history. And I want to express my gratitude to Pastor Marvin, who has steadfastly and faithfully been leading us more

  • "Open Your Mouth Wide” Series

    Contributed by John Newton on Nov 16, 2022

    One of the joys that my wife and I share is that our house backs onto miles of forest. The result is that our back yard is almost constantly being visited by wildlife—even including a bear! But our most frequent visitors are the birds...

    One of the joys that my wife and I share is not only that we live within a few minutes’ drive from three of our grandchildren, but that our house backs onto miles of forest. The result is that our back yard is almost constantly being visited by wildlife—even including a bear! But our most frequent more

  • Let Your Face Shine Series

    Contributed by John Newton on Aug 14, 2022

    This sermon focuses on a psalm of lament and offers it as a pattern for prayer

    One of the great strengths of our Anglican worship is the continuous repetition of the psalms. If you turn to the Daily Office Lectionary in the Book of Alternative Services, you will see that there is a provision there to recite at least one psalm every morning and every evening of the year. That more