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  • The Miracle Of Marriage

    Contributed by John Baggett on Feb 3, 2007
    based on 26 ratings

    This is a wedding sermon that is brief but bold enough to encourage a couple to make Christ the miracle of their marriage.

    This wedding service can be adapted to aid anyone in the preparation of a good solid message of encouragement for husband and wife. I have changed the places where I normally use the couples names to read.. husband and wife. Friends and Family we rejoice today for the occasion for which we have more

  • Moving Into Miracle Territory Believing

    Contributed by John Baggett on Feb 3, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    Advancing Into Miracle Territory BELIEVING Reminds us that in order to experience VICTORY in our life/church we need to BELIEVE.

    This Sermon Preached on Superbowl Sunday Advancing Into Miracle Territory BELIEVING The Gospels tell us about many miracles of Jesus. He turned water into wine. He made the blind to see. The deaf to hear and the lame to walk. He raised the dead from the grave. He took a man’s ear cut off by a more

  • True Purpose Series

    Contributed by John Baggett on Sep 30, 2006
    based on 2 ratings

    From the sermon series TRUE NORTH. Remembering that God’s Purpose is discovered through the TRUE CALL, TRUE WAY, TRUE GOAL. The Apostle Paul is our example of recognizing and fulfilling Gods Purpose for our lives.

    TRUE PURPOSE Text: Acts 16:6-12 What makes the difference between a good parent and a GREAT parent? What makes the difference between a good teacher and a GREAT teacher. What makes the difference between a good coach and a GREAT coach. What makes the difference a good follower of Christ and a more

  • True Ownership Series

    Contributed by John Baggett on Sep 30, 2006

    From the sermon series TRUE NORTH. Remembering that everything belongs to God. Its about attitude not assets. Its about needs but not greeds. Living for the Eternal VS. Temporal

    TRUE OWNERSHIP Text: Luke 12:13-21 This morning we begin a journey. A journey that will take us in the direction of TRUE NORTH as we travel together over the next few weeks seeking God’s truth. Our journey begins this morning by thinking about TRUE OWNERSHIP. What comes to your mind when you more

  • True Generosity Series

    Contributed by John Baggett on Sep 25, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    TRUE GENEROSITY is #2 in the stewarship series True North. It tells how generosity is vital to our walk as a follower of Christ. It shares how we are blessed when we learn to practice True Generosity.

    True Generosity Philippians 4:14-23 Today we continue the journey we began a week ago. A journey in which we are traveling under God’s guidance. What direction is He taking us on this journey …? True North… that is the direction we are headed. What will we find? God’s plan for us in being the more

  • True Ownership Series

    Contributed by John Baggett on Sep 25, 2006

    True Ownership is #1 in a stewardship series called True North. True Ownership deals with the fact that everything we own belongs to God anyway. All good things come from Him.

    TRUE OWNERSHIP Text: Luke 12:13-21 This morning we begin a journey. A journey that will take us in the direction of TRUE NORTH as we travel together over the next few weeks seeking God’s truth. Our journey begins this morning by thinking about TRUE OWNERSHIP. What comes to your mind when you more

  • Christ Wants Me To Be His Messenger Series

    Contributed by John Baggett on Sep 9, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    From the series Who Does Christ Want Me To Be? This message spurns believers in Christ to identify with their message to others. In order to be Christ’s messengers we must identify that we are I. WE ARE CHANGED II. WE ARE CALLED III. WE ARE COMMUN

    This Sunday we want to continue with that question “Who does Christ want me to be?” Last week we answered that by saying Christ wants you to be his Servant This Sunday I want us to think upon God’s Word and the fact that Christ wants you to be his Messenger Christ wants you to be His more

  • Christ Wants You To Be His Servant Series

    Contributed by John Baggett on Sep 9, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    This is From the series Who Does Christ Want Me To Be. HIS SERVANT. A message that encourages us to serve others. Serving the needs of others. Through Caring for others Through Comforting others and Through counseling others.

    Who Does Christ Want Me To Be? (Series pt1) CHRIST WANTS YOU TO BE HIS SERVANT Can you say today of the Lord Jesus Christ and of yourself… Can you say…….“I AM HIS SERVANT” If anyone would come to Christ then they MUST call him master…an not only call Him Master but they must Live for Him as more

  • Debt Resolution

    Contributed by John Baggett on Dec 27, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    DEBT RESOULTION What if your greatest debt could be written off? It already has been through Jesus Christ. Here we find a sinful woman who 1-Understood her INDEBTEDNESS 2- Recognized Christ’s WORTHINESS 3- Was Overwhelmed by Christ’s FORGIVENESS

    DEBT RESOLUTION Luke 7:36-7:48 I invite you to find LK 7 in your Bibles. Christmas as a day on the calendar has come and went but let’s keep celebrating Jesus all year long and all life long. Although we know Christmas is about far more than the gifts…It is about “THE GIFT”…Jesus. Yet I would more

  • The Original Christmas Tree -The Cross Series

    Contributed by John Baggett on Dec 20, 2005
    based on 36 ratings

    Original Christmas Tree - The Cross- 1- His Humble Craddle 2-His Honoring Cross 3-His Heavenly Crown - Reminds us of the Tree- Humble Trunk, Full Body and Top most Celebrated part of the tree. #6 in a series Original Christmas

    Original Christmas Tree – LK 2:11-12 The Cross What comes to our mind when we stop and think about that symbol that is perhaps one of the most popular symbols of the Christmas season. I am talking of course about the Christmas Tree. Yet in my mind, I am convinced that the original Christmas tree more

  • Original Christmas Announcement - The Angel Series

    Contributed by John Baggett on Dec 15, 2005
    based on 65 ratings

    Not a Hallmark but the very best Christmas announcement was the original one from God delivered by the angel. Calmed Fear, Created Hope, Called others to Worship. It should be our announcement.

    Original Christmas Series #4 The Original Christmas Announcement LK 2:8-15 I invite you to find Luke Chapter 2 this morning. It was a chilly December morning as an elderly woman entered her small town post office and made her way to the counter. The clerk asked her "How may I assist you?" She more

  • The Original Christmas Ornament - Christmas Star Series

    Contributed by John Baggett on Dec 10, 2005
    based on 38 ratings

    The Original Christmas Ornament - The Christmas Star 1- It speaks of God’s Glory 2- It speaks of God’s Guiding 3- It speaks of God’s Gift (Jesus). Not about the magi but about the star. The message of the star challenges each of us saved and unsaved. # 3

    The Original Christmas Ornament The Christmas Star Mt 2:1-12 The question on my lips this week to people was: Name a fascinating star? The answers I received you may surprise you. Someone said Tom Hanks, Another person said Tim McGraw One woman said Dolly Parton and Someone even said Arnold more

  • The Original Christmas Couple _ Joseph & Mary Series

    Contributed by John Baggett on Dec 3, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    There are many famous couples in the world and in the Scripture but none as special as Joseph & Mary. The Original Christmas Couple. The Test of Their Faith, Their Trust in the Father, Their Triumph Over the Future. All lessons for us as well.

    This is #2 in a series I am preaching called Christmas Originals. This sermon can also be preached as a stand alone without the series with no problem. There are powerpoint slides available. (see notes at the end) When you think of famous couples who comes to mind? I have heard a variety of more

  • Original Christmas Missionaries Series

    Contributed by John Baggett on Nov 26, 2005
    based on 60 ratings

    Original Christmas Missionaries-The Shepherds. They received a DECLARATION- Good News from Heaven. They got busy with DECORATION decorating lives with the message of Gods Love(Jesus). Showed DEDICATION to praising & glorifying God. #1 in series Christm

    This is sermon #1 in a series I am doing called Christmas originals. The sermon can certainly stand alone or be preached in series. There are powerpoint slides available at the end of this sermon. Christmas Missionaries LK 2:8-16 The Christmas narrative from LK chapter 2 introduces us to some more

  • Threefold Thanks

    Contributed by John Baggett on Nov 19, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Thanksgiving Emphasis or other. Powerful Message of How we can be thankful most of all for Jesus The Way ,The Truth, The Life. Help from Satans Detours, Saved by Simple Details, Safely Delivered to heaven

    Threefold Thanks John 14-5-6 We have much to be thankful for. Just a handful of some of the things we can be thankful for : Love, Peace, Freedom, Strength, Eternal Life and more… But above all else we have to be thankful for… it is Jesus that we can most… give thanks for. He alone is the way more