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  • Zeal For You Consumes Him Series

    Contributed by Jim Luthy on Apr 28, 2003
    based on 74 ratings

    His love has arrived and he desperately desires for it to fall on you. Are you sold out to his love or are you selling out?

    Zeal for You Consumes Him John 2:12-25 Pastor Jim Luthy After this he went down to Capernaum with his mother and brothers and his disciples. There they stayed for a few days. When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple courts he found men selling more

  • You Must Be Born Again Series

    Contributed by Jim Luthy on Apr 28, 2003
    based on 51 ratings

    You must be born again. Don’t be bitten by the ways of man who look to natural remedies for our separation from God. Don’t come and tell God you’ll do better. Simply look to Jesus with belief and receive him as Lord.

    You Must Be Born Again John 3:1-21 Pastor Jim Luthy Not long after I became a believer, I sat down in a Denny’s restaurant and told a friend of mine about Jesus. He grew up in a Catholic home and was a bit familiar with the things I shared with him. He was a decent man and listened respectfully. more

  • People Like You Make The World Go 'round Series

    Contributed by Jim Luthy on Apr 28, 2003
    based on 50 ratings

    The good news of the kingdom of heaven includes the truth that you were created for significance. But before you run too far too fast, let me point out that Jesus is basically saying, “You are the salt and the light, but you may not be fulfilling God’s p

    People Like You Make the World Go ‘Round Matthew 5:13-16 Pastor Jim Luthy Did you hear the story this week about the family of Major Hal Sellers? Major Sellers is a 13-year veteran currently assigned to the 3rd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion of the U.S. Marine Corps. About two weeks more

  • The Kingdom Of Heaven Series

    Contributed by Jim Luthy on Apr 28, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    Jesus makes a very inclusive invitation to all men to come into this exclusive kingdom. But there is only one way in—through the cross.

    The Kingdom of Heaven Includes You! Matthew 5:1-12 Pastor Jim Luthy I hold in my hand a crisp $100 bill. Would you be excited if I said I want one of you to have it? Let me see if you qualify… Everyone please stand. If you were not born in the state of Oregon, you can have a seat. You do not more

  • The Land Of Fulfillment Series

    Contributed by Jim Luthy on Apr 28, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    Only those who hear his words and put them into practice live in the Land of Fulfillment.

    The Land of Fulfillment Matthew 5:1-7:29 Pastor Jim Luthy There is a place we’ll call the Land of Never. It’s not Never Land. It has no mermaids, no pirates, no Captain Hook or Tinkerbell. But it does have quite a few Lost Boys. The Land of Never is an imaginary place that is the aspiration more

  • Jesus On Current Events Series

    Contributed by Jim Luthy on Apr 28, 2003
    based on 61 ratings

    Jesus pleads to give you a second chance. He wants permission to dig up your roots and fertilize the soil of your heart. Are you willing?

    Jesus on Current Events, Tragedies, and Evil Dictators Luke 13:1-9 Pastor Jim Luthy Did you hear about the Marine who declared he is a conscientious objector to the war in Iraq and went AWOL? He went to a press conference and said he did not believe in “peace through violence” and went on to more

  • A Party! Invite All You Can Find Series

    Contributed by Jim Luthy on Apr 28, 2003
    based on 40 ratings

    We prepare for the wedding feast of Jesus by getting dressed appropriately and inviting anyone we can find.

    A Party! Invite Everyone You Can Find Matthew 22:1-14 Pastor Jim Luthy I. Who Do You Listen To? A. Protesters in Portland 1. Free Speech 2. No right to insist that others listen or agree B. Listening and agreeing with Jesus 1. Growing credibility among people 2. Ultimate sacrifice 3. Appointment more

  • Healing For Calloused Hearts Series

    Contributed by Jim Luthy on Apr 28, 2003
    based on 99 ratings

    Jesus wants to produce life in you and through you. His number one desire is healing the one thing that can stop you—a calloused heart.

    Healing for Calloused Hearts Matthew 13:1-23 Pastor Jim Luthy Let’s try a few riddles from Write down your answers and I’ll give the solutions at the end. 1. Cathy has six pairs of black gloves and six pairs of brown gloves in her drawer. In complete darkness, how many more

  • Thriving In A World Of Evil Series

    Contributed by Jim Luthy on Apr 28, 2003
    based on 67 ratings

    The Parable of the Weeds in Matthew 13 is meant to demonstrate that the kingdom of God can flourish in spite of all the evil and opposition.

    Thriving In A World of Evil Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43 Pastor Jim Luthy Our vision statement calls us to see the Living Christ in a thriving church of giving people. As we continue along this long walk with Jesus, how will our encounters with Christ translate into us becoming a thriving more

  • A Reason To Put Faith In Jesus Series

    Contributed by Jim Luthy on Feb 3, 2003
    based on 64 ratings

    An event in Jesus’ life that caused his disciples to really trust him.

    A Reason to Put Faith in Jesus John 2:1-11 Pastor Jim Luthy It’s not only possible, but even probable that some of you came this evening struggling to put your faith in Jesus. Some may have come with a friend or with your parents with a general idea of who Jesus is and what Christianity looks more

  • Don't Look At Me, Look At Him Series

    Contributed by Jim Luthy on Feb 3, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    Don’t look at me, look at Jesus. He was full of grace. He was full of truth.

    Don’t Look at Me, Look at Him John 1:1-18 Pastor Jim Luthy In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the more

  • Get Ready For Joy Series

    Contributed by Jim Luthy on Dec 11, 2002
    based on 36 ratings

    Joy is not simply a thing of the past, but is stronger in us as a promise of the future. Isaiah 35:10 urges us to get ready for that joy.

    “Get Ready For Joy!” Isaiah 35:10 Pastor Jim Luthy What is it about us and nostalgia? We like to think back to more exciting times or more innocent times, ponder fond memories, sometimes just escape from the trials of today. Little pieces of cardboard with the picture of our favorite baseball more

  • How Do We Respond To God? Series

    Contributed by Jim Luthy on Nov 22, 2002
    based on 45 ratings

    When Jesus sets us apart, heals us and wakes us up to God, he invites us to walk with him in holiness.

    How Do We Respond to God? Isaiah 35:8-9 Pastor Jim Luthy Near the beginning of the movie, "Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang," Professor Potts its traveling down the road in Chitty with his two children when they suddenly veer to avoid hitting a woman in a lovely and pure white dress driving along in her more

  • What Happens When God Comes To Us? Series

    Contributed by Jim Luthy on Nov 16, 2002
    based on 46 ratings

    God does come to us. He comes with divine retribution, meaning he comes to make things right for us and with us. I want to give you three good reasons to be ready.

    What Happens When God Comes to Us? Isaiah 35:4-7 Pastor Jim Luthy "Be strong." "Don’t be afraid." "Your God will come." These were the encouraging words that the Lord instructed Isaiah to tell the people who were floundering in the wilderness of judgment and exile. James also encouraged us: more

  • Why Does Revival Tarry? Series

    Contributed by Jim Luthy on Nov 12, 2002
    based on 46 ratings

    If you were to ask my why revival tarries, whether it be your own personal revival or a corporate church-wide or city-wide or nation-wide revival, I would say it is because we don’t want it badly enough.

    Why Does Revival Tarry? Isaiah 35:3-4 Pastor Jim Luthy In the climactic final scenes of "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade," Indy becomes desperate to reach the Holy Grail, the cup from which Jesus drank at the Last Supper, because his father has been shot and needs to drink from the grail to more