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  • Going Home

    Contributed by Jeff Armbrester on Dec 20, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    Christmas is about going home.

    Luke 2:1-5 (NASB) 1Now in those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus, that a census be taken of all the inhabited earth. 2This was the first census taken while Quirinius was governor of Syria. 3And everyone was on his way to register for the census, each to his own city. 4Joseph also went up more

  • When Everyone's Gone Series

    Contributed by Jeff Armbrester on Dec 31, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    The theme will be disappointment. For many people, the days after Christmas are filled with disappointment and for some, depression. The excitement of the holidays is over and everyone has gone home. Those whose children are now adults find themselves at

    Luke 2:8-24, 39-40 My wife began the sermon by telling about the birth of our first son and the feeling she had when everyone went home and we were left alone to care for and raise him. There is always a “coming down” after an exciting event. The event can be the birth of a child, a spiritual more

  • Christ, The Lord Is Born! Series

    Contributed by Jeff Armbrester on Dec 22, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    Theme: Celebration The day has finally arrived! We have planned, organized, and made everything ready. When the baby is born, everyone celebrates. When the newly-born baby is laid in our hands, the world stands still. All the headaches of making prepar

    The birth of a child is an exciting time. I remember when our first son, Adam, was born. Throughout the pregnancy, it was hard for me to believe that there was actually a baby growing inside Lisa. Now, Lisa had no problem knowing this, especially once he started kicking her in the ribs or lying on more

  • Over The River And Through The Wood Series

    Contributed by Jeff Armbrester on Dec 22, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    The theme is final preparations. This worship experience will focus on the excitement and stress of the final week before the big event. Mary and Joseph had to make a long journey to Bethlehem. We have last-minute shopping and dinner plans to make. And in

    The Crandles are not as bad as we thought. They have decided to have a Merry Christmas by putting forth the effort to get along and enjoy each other. What about you? How are your Christmas plans coming? Are you getting excited? Or, is worry and fear getting a grip on you? As you travel “Over the more

  • Have A Merry Christmas! Series

    Contributed by Jeff Armbrester on Dec 22, 2004
    based on 16 ratings

    The theme will be relationships. This worship experience will focus on our relationships with family and friends. The challenge will be to move from merely going through the activities of Christmas with our family and friends to knowing those we love on a

    Last week we learned that the spirit of Christmas is relationships, beginning with our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Today we see that to have a merry Christmas involves relationships with people. It seems that God screams this message to us every year through the writers of more

  • The Spirit Of Christmas Series

    Contributed by Jeff Armbrester on Dec 22, 2004
    based on 16 ratings

    Mary has to make preparations for the child to be born. In fact, God has to make preparations for the Christ-child to born as well. God has Caesar take a census of all the people and requires them to return to their city of birth. So, Mary and Joseph must

    All those preparations! Does your family resemble the Crandles? Did you hear Ann’s to-do list? The to-do lists just gets longer and longer, don’t they. Unfortunately, the number of hours in a day remains the same. So, how will we get all our preparations done by Christmas? How do we prepare for the more

  • What Do You Want For Christmas? Series

    Contributed by Jeff Armbrester on Dec 22, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    Mary receives the announcement that she is going to have a baby. The focus of the message the excitement that comes with anticipating the birth of a child. We’ll explore the excitement and anticipation we have for Christmas. The title of the sermon will b

    What do you want for Christmas? Have you made out your list? Have you been shopping to see what you may want this year? We enjoy gifts. I do. I still get excited about opening gifts. Gifts say a lot. They are windows into our soul because they reveal what our true desires are. Gifts tell us that more

  • Who Is This Christ?

    Contributed by Jeff Armbrester on Dec 18, 2003
    based on 66 ratings

    Who is this Christ that was born and given to us? The author of the Letter to the Hebrews unwraps this precious gift God has given us.

    Who is this Christ? Hebrews 1:1-14 Jeff Armbrester Introduction Christmas gifts are exciting to open. As soon as we see the gift wrapped in its beautiful wrapping, we begin trying to figure out what’s inside. First, we notice the size of the gift. “Is it the right size to be the special gift more

  • Finding A Contractor (Part 2 Of 4) Series

    Contributed by Jeff Armbrester on May 19, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    Good contractors are hard to find, especially one we can trust. Jesus is the only one who can renew our hearts and lives.

    (This series was used in a capital funds campaign to raise money for repairs and renewal of the church facilities.) Jeff Armbrester Renewal for Growth There are two possible directions that renewal may take. Renewal can go in the direction of preservation, which is restoration. It is an attempt more

  • Seeing The Need For Renewal (Part 1 Of 4) Series

    Contributed by Jeff Armbrester on May 19, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    There are two possible directions that renewal may take. Renewal can go in the direction of preservation, which is restoration. It is an attempt to restore to the original and maintain the past. We restore old cars, furniture, houses, and many other items

    (This series was used during a capital funds campaign to raise money for repairs and renewal of the facilities.) Jeff Armbrester Renewal for Growth There are two possible directions that renewal may take. Renewal can go in the direction of preservation, which is restoration. It is an attempt to more

  • The Virtue Of Kindeness (6 Of 10) Series

    Contributed by Jeff Armbrester on Apr 1, 2003
    based on 61 ratings

    Kindness is not an attitude or emotion. We do no think of people as being kind simply because they do not hurt anybody. We regard people as being kind if they go out of their way, with no public recognition, to perform deeds of kindness.

    The Virtue of Kindness Part 6 The Core Virtues of the Christian Life Galatians 5:22-23; Micah 6:8 Jeff Armbrester Mamie Adams always went to a branch post office in her town because the postal employees there were friendly. She went there to buy stamps just before Christmas one year and the lines more

  • Love: The Foundation Of All Virues (2 Of 10) Series

    Contributed by Jeff Armbrester on Apr 1, 2003
    based on 35 ratings

    Everyone would agree that love is a core virtue. Everyone would agree that a society built upon love will be one that is strong and pleasant to live in. The problem is, we have differing understandings of what love is. For love to be the foundational virt

    Love: the Foundation of all Virtues Part 2 The Core Virtues of the Christian Life Galatians 5:22-23 Jeff Armbrester (Due to the damands of ministry, this sermon is being transcribed from the tape and the complete version will be added soon.) Every building has to have a foundation. The more

  • The Virtue Of Self-Control (10 Of 10) Series

    Contributed by Jeff Armbrester on Mar 29, 2003
    based on 246 ratings

    Self-control is not when I control my "self". It when my "self" is controlled by the Holy Spirit.

    The Virtue of Self-Control Part 10 The Core Virtues of the Christian Life Galatians 5:22-23 Jeff Armbrester (I appreciate the sermon "Strawberry of Self-Control" by James Westervelt, which is on this site. His outline inspired me as I prepared this message. I encourage you read his sermon as more

  • The Virtue Of Gentleness (9 Of 10) Series

    Contributed by Jeff Armbrester on Mar 24, 2003
    based on 108 ratings

    Gentleness is possibly the most misunderstood virtue. Many people think of gentleness as being weak, timid, or passive. This is not the biblical understanding of gentleness.

    The Virtue of Gentleness (part 9) The Core Virtues of the Christian Life Galatians 5:22-23 Jeff Armbrester Have you ever watched a 2000-pound horse pull logs? A few years ago, a friend called to tell me that a man who lived over the hill from us was having some trees cut out of his yard and they more

  • The Virtue Of Faithfulness (8 Of 10) Series

    Contributed by Jeff Armbrester on Mar 17, 2003
    based on 65 ratings

    Being a faithful Chrisitan is not being at church every time the doors are open. Faithfulness is rooted in our faith in God.

    What is faithfulness? What do we mean when we say someone is faithful? Faithfulness is not… · attending church every time the doors are open. · serving in ministry positions where God has not gifted you. · teaching Sunday School longer than God calls you to. · financially supporting the ministries more

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