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  • A Destiny For Good Things

    Contributed by Jason Love on Aug 27, 2003
    based on 7 ratings

    This sermon gives a demonstration of destiny by looking at the life of Joseph.

    1. Josephs childhood A. He was special to his dad Jacob 1. He was the eldest child of Rachel 2. He stayed close to the home -We are also special to God B. Joseph has revelation of his destiny 1. The dream of the sheaves 2. The dream of the moon, sun, and eleven more

  • Cry Out

    Contributed by Jason Love on Aug 14, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    We all get into situations when we need to cry out to God. This outline tells the story of blind man who did.

    1. Bartimaeus was in a bad situation A. He was blind 1. In that day blind men had no hope 2. There’s no cure for blindness B. He was a beggar 1. Unable to work for food or money 2. He was dependent on others C. He was unable to enjoy life 2. Bartimaeus cried out A. He cried out to more

  • Go For A Stroll

    Contributed by Jason Love on Aug 7, 2003
    based on 6 ratings

    This sermon is about three definitions of walking that are all related to God.

    Introduction A. Definitions 1. To make headway 2. To move along on foot for pleasure or exercise 3. Advance by steps 1. To make headway A. To reveal covered things 1. The unveiling of new inventions or creations causes astonishment 2. We need to be astonished at things we see God more

  • Are You Thirsty Yet?

    Contributed by Jason Love on Aug 7, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    This sermon has to do with the encounter Jesus had with the woman at the well.

    1. Times I’ve been thirsty A. When I get up in the morning B. After I exercise C. After I work D. Just setting around watching TV 2. Tell the story of the woman at the well A. Who the woman was 1. Thirsty 2. A Samaritan 3. An adulteress B. Jesus asks for water 1. He shows His more

  • The Sin Was Forgiven

    Contributed by Jason Love on Dec 11, 2002
    based on 31 ratings

    We all mess up inwardly and outwardly but we must keep in mind that our God provides.

    I. Introduction Today you will be hearing about a man named David. David was a shepherd, victorious fighter, great warrior, an awesome writer and player of music, and he was a man after Gods own heart. All these things the bible tells us about David but tonight we are going to look at a more

  • Going Going Gone For God

    Contributed by Jason Love on Dec 3, 2002
    based on 10 ratings

    We need to always consider where we are going and what we are doing when it comes to our spiritual life.

    I. Introduction To understand how we relate to this scripture we must first understand who David is. A. David is seen as a son(son of Jesse) B. David is seen as a servant(servant of Jesse) C. David receives instruction from his Father II.David was Going A. David left early in the more