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  • Christian Values

    Contributed by Grant Sisson on Jul 9, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    In this sermon we discuss the foundational values of Christianity.

    Grant S. Sisson, MSCP Faith, Hope and Love – I Cor. 13:13 “And now abide faith, hope and love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” VALUES – The greatest war in this world since I was born (baby boomer generation) has been over values. Values are everything. more

  • Independence Day 2012

    Contributed by Grant Sisson on Jul 9, 2012

    Study of the relationship between law, love and freedom.

    Grant S. Sisson, MSCP INTRO Independence Day weekend 2012 There are so many things that we could speak of regarding this weekend. 1. How much a part of the American psyche our love for freedom is 2. Our willingness over the years to sacrifice all that we have, even our very lives, for the sake of more

  • Why I Believe In God

    Contributed by Grant Sisson on Sep 8, 2010

    There comes a point in everyone's life where we have to take what we've been taught and make it our own. Have we "rightly divided" the Word of Truth?

    Why I Believe in God - Grant S. Sisson, MSCP, CI A little old lady was amazed at how nice the young man was next door. Everyday he would help her gather things from her car or help her in her yard. One day the old lady finally asked the young man, "Son, how did you become such a fine young man?" more

  • Living Through The Pain

    Contributed by Grant Sisson on Sep 8, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    The problem of suffering is the hardest debate to win. But we continue for the legacy Jesus left for us to follow, not for the present moment.

    Grant S. Sisson Theme – Living through the pain Three points: 1. We live through the pain for others 2. We live through the pain for ourselves 3. Jesus lived through the pain for us The world's best cyclist, Lance Armstrong, says this about pain: “I become a happier man each time more

  • Pride Goes Before A Fall

    Contributed by Grant Sisson on May 20, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    The course of modern American history parallels that of ancient Israel. This is a wake-up call!

    Daniel Chapter 4 Grant S. Sisson, MSCP, CI We will return to the book of Daniel today. We diverted course last week for Mother’s Day, and we may divert again for Memorial Day, but we’ll keep after it until we get through Daniel. Chapter four contains an interesting story of the more

  • Drawing The Line In Today's World

    Contributed by Grant Sisson on May 2, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Christian soldiers discipline themselves for spiritual warfare by "drawing the line" in smaller battles.

    Sacrifices Required to “Obey God Rather Than Man” Grant S. Sisson Written April 30th, 2010 I have always been so very proud to be an American. I remember the day I was first eligible to vote. I have participated in many elections over the course of my lifetime. I have never more

  • Battle Between God's Kingdom And The Kingdom Of Man

    Contributed by Grant Sisson on Apr 17, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    Asks the question, "Who's in charge?" Who is in charge of America, who is in charge of your life?

    Battle between God’s Kingdom and Man’s Kingdom 4/16/2010 Daniel 1 Last week we introduced the topic for the next few weeks. I got a lot a positive feedback from that sermon, and I want you to know I appreciate your comments. Just a little more introduction and we’ll get more

  • A Cultural Salvation

    Contributed by Grant Sisson on Apr 11, 2010

    The Resurrection leads us to much more than a personal salvation.

    2010-04-07 A Cultural Salvation We have spoken at length about personal Salvation. We just celebrated the Resurrection of Christ last week, as we really do every week, but especially at Easter. We all know the feeling that exists within our hearts before our personal resurrection experience more

  • Leadership

    Contributed by Grant Sisson on Jan 9, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Characteristics of an effective leader

    Leadership - by Grant S. Sisson 2010-01-09 INTRO We’ve had a great Sunday morning. It is not often that a church’s leadership structure so dramatically changes in such a brief time as ours has at Countryside. Years ago when the oil patch went belly up there was a mass migration out more

  • Are You Jesus' Friend?

    Contributed by Grant Sisson on Jul 28, 2009

    Testing our relationship with Jesus - how do we know that we are walking with him?

    We Are Jesus’ Friends 2009-07-26 Grant S. Sisson, MSCP, CI I’m not thrilled about taking tests, & I’m glad my years of schooling are behind me. The tests I take now are stress tests & EKGs & hearing & vision tests. And I don’t have to study for them. ILL. In undergraduate study in college, it more

  • What Values Do You Hold Sacred?

    Contributed by Grant Sisson on Jun 29, 2009

    Independence Day Sermon. How the Founding Fathers ordered their values and how Christians everywhere are to commit to Jesus’ values.

    Grant S. Sisson Countryside Christian Church, Shreveport, LA 2009-06-28 One of the most profound things I learned in graduate school was taught to me by one of my professors. He is now my Counselor Intern Supervisor, my mentor, and my good friend, Tom Moore. It was really more of a question than more

  • Right Relationship With Jesus

    Contributed by Grant Sisson on Jun 9, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Contrasting life under the rigidity of Law to life of freedom under the sweet grace of God.

    What Is “The Right Relationship With Jesus”? by Grant S. Sisson Yesterday was a long hard day for me. After the Board meeting yesterday morning, Ann and I went to White House, TX to visit my dad, who, as you know, is suffering with terminal cancer. The Hospice people had arranged all this in more

  • Let Jesus Construct Your Reality

    Contributed by Grant Sisson on Mar 5, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Moral relativism as a philosophy is built upon a solid idea taken badly out of context.

    Theme: Living by faith Pillar: Discipleship Grant S. Sisson, MSCP, CI Preached @ Countryside Christian Church 3/08/2009 A few weeks ago I brought to your attention the six pillars of church health: 1) worship, 2) evangelism, 3) ministry, 4) fellowship, 5) prayer, and 6) discipleship, as discussed more

  • Revival In Ancient Judah And In America

    Contributed by Grant Sisson on Oct 20, 2008

    Judah’s revival under King Hezekiah teaches us how revival in America must begin.

    Revival in the “City Set on a Hill” – Grant S. Sisson, MSCP, CI Charlie Brown and Linus. Charlie brown asks Linus "What would you do if you felt that nobody liked you?" Linus responds "Well Charlie Brown I guess I would take a real hard look at myself, ask if I am doing anything that turns people more

  • God's Kindness

    Contributed by Grant Sisson on Oct 10, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    King David exhibits the kindness of God toward Mephibosheth.

    Theme: God’s Kindness Object: Is shown to us in Jesus, even in the depths of our lowest times Did you see the movie Shallow Hal? It is a movie about an unattractive, really shallow middle-aged man named Hal Larsen who judges women on how “hot” they are. But then one day, Hal gets stuck on a more