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  • Jewels Of Rules Series

    Contributed by G W Bill Elliott Jr on Jun 2, 2020

    One of the first benefits we obtained in the Garden of Eden was life itself. But, even better... the promise of never dying, actually... as long as we followed one simple rule. See... God set into motion man's Free-Will...

    It is a rare person who does not like benefits. The working we do, the toiling we face, and the utter anguish we endure are all resolved when benefits follow closely behind. You may know that ‘benefits‘ is generally described as, “something that is advantageous or good.” Sometimes, even having an more

  • Eat Freely, But... Series

    Contributed by G W Bill Elliott Jr on May 27, 2020

    We seem to fixate on what we can NOT do and skip right over God's blessings on us with the things we CAN do. In Gen 2:16, God 'commanded" the man that he could eat of every tree in the garden... telling him how to live there.

    "Thou mayest freely eat, but… " This one rule God passed along to Adam ends up being the demise of the entire human race… so far. God made all the earth… all the plants… all the animals… even all the atmosphere… “and saw that it was good”. That fateful Tree of the Knowledge of Good and more

  • Your World - Own It! Series

    Contributed by G W Bill Elliott Jr on May 10, 2020

    The garden was given to man as a ‘rectangle of control’; a world in which were rules, guidelines, and established systems. Man was placed there to ‘dress it’ and care for it. Man was given full and direct charge over that garden and EVERYTHING in it.

    To own something is to acknowledge it as belonging to one’s self; recognized as having full claim, authority, power, dominion… even to have or hold as one’s own; to possess. Now… how one came about the ownership does not change the ownership, itself. Don’t let the two intertwine, for now. The more

  • Coulda Hada Pear: Rules, Rules, Rules Series

    Contributed by G W Bill Elliott Jr on May 4, 2020

    Rules, Guidelines, Boundaries… they all help convey limitations… something of a “you can go to this point (here) , but not that far (there)” premise. When God plunked Man into the Garden, there is only one rule…

    Common thought today; ° Rules are meant to be broken ° Boundaries are meant to be challenged ° Guidelines are merely suggestions, recommendations, and preferred expectations Almost no one likes rules. Almost no one wants to be ‘governed’, controlled, directed, and worse… more

  • Coulda Hada Pear: Overview Series

    Contributed by G W Bill Elliott Jr on Mar 3, 2020

    Our lives have many little 'garden of Edens' and areas of responsibility, trust, and ownership handed to us by God. We tend to go through a Temptation, Deductive Reason, and Resulting Calamity sequence of our walk with the Lord.

    We have all had those “I wish I would have done it that way” moments in our lives. They are not really regrets as much as simply looking back and realizing we could have done things differently. This Coulda Hada Pear presentation is a series of writings, sections, chapters that explore what Adam more

  • Shadow Of Death

    Contributed by G W Bill Elliott Jr on Feb 27, 2020

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the ‘shadow of death’ indicates there is a massive, bright and overwhelming light of hope behind any ‘darkness’ that haunts you. Behind any/all darkness in your life is that ‘ray of hope’, which is higher, greater, and certainly brighter than any ‘doom’.

    Fear is a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined. Often it is the feeling or condition of being afraid. Combine that with Darkness and there-in is a gripping and many times overwhelming sense of pending doom.. of certain calamity… more

  • No Hill For A Stepper

    Contributed by G W Bill Elliott Jr on Feb 15, 2020

    Problems are always upon us and getting over the little humps is easy. Getting over the larger ones simply means you grow to be bigger than that hill… so-as to just step right over it, rather than struggle to climb it.

    Too often, we look on that passage “God never gives you more than you can handle” as though He is putting you through some awful test, or that He is “easing up on the throttle” regarding just how much pressure He is causing you to endure. This writing is to help us see this passage from His more

  • Leave The Weed

    Contributed by G W Bill Elliott Jr on Feb 8, 2020

    "Weeding the garden" is something we believe is a good thing, but many times doing this can destroy the good roots around them. Jesus helps us grasp why working to remove the 'weeds' from your life is not necessarily His way of leading you.

    Right… at first glance you may quickly think I am going to try convincing you how wrong it is to smoke marijuana… or to do drugs of any kind. No… this is not that kind of ‘weed removal’ encouragement… although… wait… OK… I’ll refrain! Rather, this is an admonition to be careful about being SO more

  • Words My Mark

    Contributed by G W Bill Elliott Jr on Dec 23, 2019

    I know… the saying is, “Mark My Words”, but this is my way of helping you see what I saw… learn what I observed, and hopefully get your marks all in the right places… working for you… not working against you.

    I know… the saying is, “Mark My Words”, but this is my way of helping you see what I saw… learn what I observed, and hopefully get your marks all in the right places… working for you… not working against you. Marks? See… getting through life unscathed is quite a daunting task. Now, unscathed more

  • Gonna Need A Bigger Cup

    Contributed by G W Bill Elliott Jr on Nov 30, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Typically, we stop pouring fluid as the container is filling to the rim. Too often, we tend to ease-up on God's calling on our lives because we sense we are filling up. He wants us to go get a bigger cup, through!

    No, this is not a story about the whole ‘glass half full’, or ‘glass half empty’ debate. In fact, the late George Carlin once observed, “Maybe the glass is just twice as big as it needs to be!“… he then proceeded on a tirade of how we overthink, over-analyze, and certainly over-debate about such more

  • Regurgitationalistics

    Contributed by G W Bill Elliott Jr on Nov 27, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Have you noticed that we tend to get all caught up communicating and sharing thoughts, ideas, “news and information” and that we easily fall into the trap of just being talking-heads… mostly... just regurgitating thoughts and ideas, but not actually contributing.

    Man has never invented a single thing (as of this writing)… ever never… nothing new… never… not one new element has been introduced into life. All we’ve done is ‘assemble’ things to be something else, and we call it ‘inventing’. Semantics, I know… but our thoughts and the many things we voice more

  • The Flesh Is Willing

    Contributed by G W Bill Elliott Jr on Nov 21, 2019

    Wait… the title of this story is “The Flesh is Willing”, yet this scripture claims it is weak… and it was Jesus who actually said it… so, that must be right! See… the flesh is very willing to do things, to get involved, to perform or get into action… to a fault.

    Matthew 26:41 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Wait… the title of this story is “The Flesh is Willing”, yet this scripture claims it is weak… and it was Jesus who actually said it… so, that must be right! No, I am not trying more

  • Spue You Go

    Contributed by G W Bill Elliott Jr on Nov 8, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    You may be rejected right from God's body! Hard to believe or imagine? When we are lukewarm, He'll do it... Spue You Go!

    I know… Spue doesn’t even seem like a word, right? I mean, maybe it should be spelled spew, or something. Well, the word spew is pretty close to the context of this writing, but spue is actually the word Jesus used to describe just how aggressively He will reject you! Wait… Jesus rejects more

  • Attending Idiots Unaware

    Contributed by G W Bill Elliott Jr on Feb 1, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Sure, the timely phrase 'attending angels unaware' is quite popular and we seem to secretly hope, wish and pray someone unique will bless our lives or at least give-us-a-break (they'd truly be an angel, huh).

    Sure, the timely phrase 'attending angels unaware' is quite popular and we seem to secretly hope, wish and pray someone unique will bless our lives or at least give-us-a-break (they'd truly be an angel, huh). But how rare is it that we are in the presence of angels? While it is virtually impossible more