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  • God's Plan Of Debt-Forgiveness

    Contributed by Frank Queen on Sep 27, 2023

    Basic Gospel

    There are things that happen in everyday life that remind me of heavenly truth. Sometimes, even things that are what some call “hot button issues” that often divide folks along political lines, can remind us of heavenly truth. For example, there is a lot of talk these days about "debt more

  • Stranded Here In Bablyon (America)

    Contributed by Frank Queen on Jun 1, 2022

    Like the ancient Hebrews in exile, modern Christians are in the midst of a pagan culture, among whom, we are called to be faithful to God.

    Stranded Here in Babylon Revelation 1:13-16, 20 Babylon, the name is known to all. It's an ancient city, but also a euphemism for a depraved culture. In the Bible, at least once, Rome is referenced with the name Babylon. I would say it's fair that the name “Babylon” could well be a more

  • Return To The Manger

    Contributed by Frank Queen on Dec 18, 2021

    This is a short message written for Christmas Eve Candlelight service

    Luke 2:7-12 Imagine getting ready for a big birthday party. You make all the necessary arrangements. You order a cake from the bakery. You buy decorations. You cook or cater a meal for all the guests. Make sure you have napkins and party plates, etc. The big day comes, your friends and more

  • God's Love Gift (Advent Season)

    Contributed by Frank Queen on Dec 13, 2021

    Advent/Christmas Sermon, specifically on the subject of God's love.

    John 3:16, Romans 5:8 As we are in the final Advent Sunday before Christmas, it makes sense the topic is love. The gospel is rooted in love (John 3:16). In fact the whole Bible is; that's really all the Bible is, it's a love-letter from God. Tragically, some abuse it, weaponize it to more

  • As A Man Thinks In His Heart... Series

    Contributed by Frank Queen on Oct 8, 2021

    Part one of a four part sermon series on guarding our thoughts and bringing them captive to obedience to Christ

    It has been argued, we are the sum of our thoughts. Every action begins as a thought, so a person's thought-life is very important. We will often rationalize bad thoughts by saying, “Well, I didn't do it, I just thought about it.” Well, there are two levels to thinking about it, one is more

  • Security And Assurance

    Contributed by Frank Queen on Nov 13, 2019

    Just a sermon on having the assurance of salvation based on the promises of God's keeping power.

    Assurance and Security II Peter 1:5-11 I wanted to talk today about two very important matters of faith- assurance and security. They are not the same thing, but they should go together. In our text for today, Peter gives his more