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  • Part V – The Angels – The Voice Of God Series

    Contributed by Eric Peloquin on Dec 15, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This is part five in a series looking at the different characters in the Christmas narrative. In this message I focused on the angels who were the voice of God to the people.

    The Voices of Christmas Part V – The Angels – the Voice of God Sermon – Sunday, December 24th 2006 A few weeks ago I mentioned how the world has perverted what angels really are. There is no reason to be confused about angels. Scripture speaks more about angels than it does demons or the more

  • Part Iv – Simeon – The Voice Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Eric Peloquin on Dec 15, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    This is part four in a series looking at the characters in the Christmas narrative. In this case, Simeon is a man who has been promised by the Lord that he will live to see the Messiah and he eagerly waits for that day, knowing by faith it will come.

    The Voices of Christmas Part IV Simeon – the Voice of Faith Over the last few weeks we have looked at some of the people who would unwittingly participate in the great drama that would surround the birth of our Lord. A drama that was written before the foundation of the world LUKE more

  • Part Iii - The Religious Leaders – The Voice Of Apathy Series

    Contributed by Eric Peloquin on Dec 15, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    This is part three in a series looking at the different characters in the Christmas narrative and what we can learn from their contributions.In this case the religious elite of this time seemed completely apathetic to the idea of the advent of the Christ.

    The Voices of Christmas Part III The Religious Leaders – the Voice of Apathy The greatest event in human history has taken place. The Messiah has been born in the City of David. The King of kings has made a very humble entry into the world. He was not born in Jerusalem, neither was His more

  • Part Ii - The Magi – The Voice Of Expectancy Series

    Contributed by Eric Peloquin on Dec 15, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    This is part two in a series looking at the some of the characters in the Christmas narrative and what we can learn from them. In this message the Magi, these gentiles from the east speak to us of the expectancy we should have in our relationship with the

    The Voices of Christmas Part II – The Magi – the Voice of Expectancy Sermon – Sunday, December 3rd 2006 The Magi are an interesting group. There is much we do not know about them, like how many of them came to worship Jesus. The Magi were a priestly class of astronomers from ancient Babylon. more

  • Part I - Mary – The Voice Of Servanthood Series

    Contributed by Eric Peloquin on Dec 15, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This is partone in a series looking at some of the characters in the Christmas narrative and what they can teach us. Mary’s humble response to the Angel of the Lord is a powerful example of a young woman with the heart of a servant.

    The Voices of Christmas Part I Mary – the Voice of Servanthood Mary may be the most controversial figure in the scriptures because of the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church regarding Mary. They teach that she is the co-redemptrix with Christ. They also teach that she was without sin and more

  • How To Run The Race Pt. V Series

    Contributed by Eric Peloquin on Dec 1, 2006

    This is the fifth in a series focusing on the need for God’s people to learn the importance of bearing up under opposition and trials so that God’s Kingdom might be established in us and in the world.

    How To Run The Race (Pt. V) Sermon – August 21st 2005 As children of God we are called to live our lives on a higher plane than the world around us. The world goes by the tangible things that one can touch – we are told to walk by faith and not by sight. The world will tell you that you need to more

  • How To Run The Race Pt. Iv Series

    Contributed by Eric Peloquin on Dec 1, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    This is the fourth in a series focusing on the need for God’s people to learn the importance of bearing up under opposition and trials so that God’s Kingdom might be established in us and in the world.

    How To Run The Race (Pt. IV) Sermon – August 14th 2005 We have been talking about perseverance for the last three weeks. The book of Romans speaks of perseverance building character… Romans 5:1-5 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord more

  • How To Run The Race Pt. Iii Series

    Contributed by Eric Peloquin on Dec 1, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    This is the third in a series focusing on the need for God’s people to learn the importance of bearing up under opposition and trials so that God’s Kingdom might be established in us and in the world.

    How To Run The Race (Pt. III) Sermon – August 7th 2005 I have already mentioned the fact that we are going to face trials, times of testing etc. However for most people we want to be delivered from the circumstances that we are in. the difficulty can be in trying to discern what God might want more

  • How To Run The Race Pt. Ii Series

    Contributed by Eric Peloquin on Dec 1, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    This is the second in a series focusing on the need for God’s people to learn the importance of bearing up under opposition and trials so that God’s Kingdom might be established in us and in the world.

    How to Run the Race (Pt. II) Sermon – July 31st 2005 Last week we began in a new series on Perseverance entitled “How Top Run The Race”. As I mentioned last week, perseverance is a foreign concept in general to many in the Western world. It is so important that we live by the spirit, that we more

  • How To Run The Race Pt.1 Series

    Contributed by Eric Peloquin on Dec 1, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    This is the first in a series focusing on the need for God’s people to learn the importance of bearing up under opposition and trials so that God’s Kingdom might be established in us and in the world.

    How to Run the Race (Pt. I) Sermon – July 24th 2005 Perseverance is a word and in particular a concept that is largely foreign to people in Western society. But it is something that we, as God’s people must grasp. We have to trust that as we do the work of God, He will do His part – He will give more

  • Four Voices Of Christmas - Hope

    Contributed by Eric Peloquin on Dec 1, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    This sermon focuses on four characters in the Christmas narrative and what their "voice" says to us. It uses the acrostic H-O-P-E to illustrate that in the end all the "voices" proclaim HOPE to a lost and dying world!

    Four Voices of Christmas – Voices of Hope Sermon – December 25th 2005 In Fridays Boston Herald I read a story about a school in the eastern part of the state where the children were informed, at the ire of many parents, that they could not sing songs with and religious references in them. They more

  • The Comfort Of Christmas

    Contributed by Eric Peloquin on Dec 1, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon looks at christmas from a prophetic point of view looking at the provisions the Lord made for our salvation and fellowship with Him. Coming to us through the first Christmas!

    The Comfort of Christmas Sermon – December 26th 2004 As we led up to Christmas over the last couple of week we discussed how we could prepare ourselves for Christmas and be used by God to touch the lives of those around us with what Christmas is about… Today I want to discuss what the results of more

  • Breaking Down Barriers & Building Up The Wall (Pt. 6) Series

    Contributed by Eric Peloquin on Jun 23, 2005
    based on 3 ratings

    This is part six in a series dealing with the need for God’s people to break down the barriers that keep us from effectively building up the wall (God’s Kingdom). Having broken down those barriers we must build up the wall.

    Breaking Down Barriers & Building Up The Wall (Pt. 6) Sermon – 1 August 2004 As I have been preaching through this sermon God has been doing extraordinary things in our midst which we have spoken of. I sincerely believe that as we seek to know, understand, share and communicate God’s heart in all more

  • Breaking Down Barriers & Building Up The Wall (Pt. 5) Series

    Contributed by Eric Peloquin on Jun 23, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    This is part five in a series dealing with the need for God’s people to break down the barriers that keep us from effectively building up the wall (God’s Kingdom). Having broken down those barriers we must build up the wall.

    Breaking Down Barriers & Building Up The Wall (Pt. 5) Sermon – 25 July 2004 We have been spending a fair amount of time in this series discussing for several weeks the barriers that have been erected within the church and have kept her from attaining to all that the lord would have her do. I more

  • Breaking Down Barriers & Building Up The Wall (Pt. 4) Series

    Contributed by Eric Peloquin on Jun 23, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    This is part four in a series dealing with the need for God’s people to break down the barriers that keep us from effectively building up the wall (God’s Kingdom). Having broken down those barriers we must build up the wall.

    Breaking Down Barriers & Building Up The Wall (Pt. 4) Sermon – 18 July 2004 Previous to last week I preached for three weeks on a series entitled “Breaking Down Barriers & Building Up The Wall” Last week the Lord led to preach the sermon “Why Am I Here?” But this week I believe the Lord has led more