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  • Understanding Church Life

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Mar 6, 2025

    An 8-part course or series on What it means to be an active part of a Biblically centered New Testament Church Please take this, adapt it to your church's specifics.

    UNDERSTANDING CHURCH LIFE By Owen Carey, Eric J. Hanson, and Dallas E. Henry UNDERSTANDING CHURCH LIFE Lesson 1: THE CHURCH AND ITS PEOPLE Since you have received Jesus Christ, you need to learn all you can about Him and His people, the Church. There are two ways of more

  • Understanding Spiritual Warfare Series

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Mar 4, 2025

    This is a short book on an important topic for every believer in Jesus Christ to gain an understanding of. Spiritual Warfare comes to us, whether we are prepared of not. This breaks down nicely into sermons for all you preachers and teachers. God bless you!

    UNDERSTANDING SPIRITUAL WARFARE Pastor Eric J. Hanson Spiritual warfare is not something that we have a choice about. It comes to us unbidden. If you are a Christian Believer, you are already in God’s Army. You already have a commander, the Lord Jesus Christ, who has given you weapons and armor. more

  • Four Wonderful Miracles (The Messianic Miracles Of The Lord)

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Feb 29, 2024

    The Pharisees and the rabbinical school taught that when the Messiah came, he would do certain miracles that nobody had ever done before. In this sermon, you will see that Jesus fulfilled this template perfectly, but was rejected by the Sanhedrin anyway.

    Four Wonderful Miracles Pastor Eric J. Hanson March 3rd 2024 This message is designed to give us a look at how Jesus revealed himself to be the Messiah (anointed one and coming King) of the Jews. In the process of this revelation, He revealed a great heart of love and compassion for the people. He more

  • The Joy Of The Lord: Rejoicing In Him

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Feb 15, 2024

    Joy is the birthright of every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. Let's go through life with that wonderful gift from God causing us to shine brightly in a dark World.

    The Joy of the Lord: Rejoicing in Him… Pastor Eric J. Hanson Philippians 4:4 (Read it.) I Thessalonians 5:16 (Read it.) Last week, the Lord had me speak on the matter of comfort for believers in Jesus Christ in the midst of a time which is evil and has been growing more evil. During that more

  • Think On These Things

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Feb 15, 2024

    Victory over Despair and living in the Joy of the Lord can be yours by walking in these Biblical principles.

    THINK ON THESE THINGS Pastor Eric J. Hanson INTRODUCTION Many of the battles of life are faced by all of us. We all have to learn the lessons of childhood. We have to get up at a certain time and go to school, regardless of how we feel about it. We have to gradually do more work, just to keep up more

  • Understanding Worship

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Feb 15, 2023

    This message briefly looks into the Greek and Hebrew words for worship and then encourages the people of the Lord to be true worshipers of Him. It could really answer some questions and bring some clarity for churches and individuals too.

    UNDERSTANDING WORSHIP Pastor Eric J. Hanson (January 22, 2023) Read I Chronicles 16:23-36 & Psalm 150. Worship: Hebrew is Shachah which means to prostrate in homage to God, to bow, to humbly beseech, do reverence, stoop down. Greek is Sumphemi which means to say jointly, to assent to. A more

  • The Goodness Of God

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Feb 15, 2023

    Many people, including Christians, struggle greatly with the Goodness of God. They get their ideas about Him from circumstances and difficulties, rather than from the life of Jesus Christ. This message can help refocus people to the considering the proper evidence.

    The Goodness of God Pastor Eric J. Hanson January 29, 2023 Read Matthew 19:16-17a. One of the first childhood prayers that many of us learned, went like this: “God is good. God is great. Let us thank Him for this food. Amen.” It is easy to smile, remembering the childlike simplicity of this little more

  • Walking In Love In These Times

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Feb 15, 2023

    We live in times when good is called evil, evil is called good, and those who love God and His Word are reviled. As believers, we are called to walk in Love toward those who hate us and who accuse us of evil. This message may be of real help for many.

    Walking in Love in These Times Pastor Eric J. Hanson: July 10, 2022 There is a right way for committed Christians to approach those who stand against the things that we stand for. Jesus addressed such matters in the Gospels. Paul and others walked these things out, in the midst of opposition. more

  • The Priesthood Of All Believers

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Oct 13, 2017

    This is a highly foundational set of concepts, which every believer in Jesus Christ needs to grasp, in order to function effectively as the New Testament priest which he or she is.

    THE PRIESTHOOD OF THE BELIEVER Pastor Eric J. Hanson Hosanna Church: 1983 & 4/2/2017 Introduction: The New Testament teaches the priesthood of all believers, yet many Christians go through their whole lifetime with a mentality of being unable to approach God effectively. Jesus has actually more

  • A Start To Walking In Love

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Oct 13, 2017

    Walkling in the Lord's love can be quite different from earthly conceptions of what love is. This message explores a Biblical understanding of what this means and how we need to live as followers of Jesus Christ.

    Read I John 4:7-8 Jesus walked in love. Make no mistake about this. He perfectly demonstrated the statement found in verse 16 of the same chapter. “God is Love”. When Jesus offered forgiveness to the woman caught in adultery, he demonstrated love. When he told her “Go, and sin no more.” he also more

  • God Is Against Abortion

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Oct 13, 2017

    Through the years, we pastors at Hosanna Church have focused from time to time on the American tragedy of Abortion. This is the latest look into this matter for 2017

    GOD IS AGAINST ABORTION Dallas E. Henry & Eric J. Hanson (2017 update) 44 years ago today, on January 22, 1973, The Supreme Court made an incredibly poor decision. In deciding the case of Rowe vs Wade, The Court struck down the abortion laws in all 50 states, deciding that a woman’s right to more

  • A New Year, A New Start

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Oct 13, 2017

    The turn of the year is the perfect time to deal with people about the big picture of their life's direction.

    A New Year…A New Start Pastor Eric J. Hanson January 1, 2017 People think of the start of each new year as a special time; a time of stepping through an important door into a new room; a room that has never been occupied and explored before. I believe that God has wired us this way. We mark our more

  • Bible Mothers: Learning From Them

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Aug 2, 2017

    We can learn a great deal from the good and the bad choices made by mothers. The Bible records some powerful examples for us. This is a fine Mother's Day message

    Bible Mothers: Learning From Them Pastor Eric J. Hanson Sarah: (Genesis 11-25) Wife of Abraham & mother of Isaac. God changed her name to Sarah (princess, mistress, female noble) from Sarai (diminutive form of captain). She was obedient to Abraham, through good and bad decisions by him. She more

  • Good Fathering In These Times

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Jul 28, 2017

    This is a challenging age to be a good father in. Let's do this to God's glory!

    On Being Fathers in These Times Pastor Eric J. Hanson: 2017 Here in the Western World, it is no secret that Fatherhood has been under siege for many years now. Many people do not remember a time when Fathers were honored in everyday life. It was not always this way. In previous eras, Respect for more

  • And Now A Few Words From Our Nation's Founders

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Jul 28, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    The men who wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence and who framed our nation's Constitution, did not work in a moral vacuum. Here are some important observations they made.

    And Now a Few Words From Our Founders Pastor Eric J. Hanson. July 2, 2017 Proverbs 14:34: Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people. Psalm 33:12: Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD. Proverbs 29:2: When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice. 1 more