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  • God's Faithfulness And Our Obedience

    Contributed by Douglas Vincent on Mar 17, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    God’s Faithfulness and Our Obedience Tonight we are going to look at the payday of Obedience for Joseph, Jacob and the whole family of Israel

    God’s Faithfulness and Our Obedience Tonight we are going to look at the payday of Obedience for Joseph, Jacob and the whole family of Israel Who hear knows who Nelson Mandela is? He is a man with both strengths and weaknesses, but as I looked at his life I realized he was a man with a more

  • Forgiveness

    Contributed by Douglas Vincent on Mar 17, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    We will be talking about Seeking Forgiveness, Finding the way to Forgive, and offering Forgiveness.

    Today we are talking about Forgiveness and even as a young pastor I have come to realize that most people are uncomforted with Topic. We don’t like to think that we need forgiveness. We can’t bare the thought of letting those hurtful unchanged people off the hook. When we talk about forgiveness we more

  • Standing Firm And Standing Out

    Contributed by Douglas Vincent on Mar 17, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    What does it Look like when the Lord is with you (on the job or at home)?

    Genesis 39 One of the most compelling and attractive narratives in Scripture. Betrayed, deserted, and sold. For many this would be the end of a sad story, but this is just the beginning for Joseph. Why? The Lord was with Him His Master Saw the Lord was with Him The Lord gave him success The more

  • Visions And Provisions

    Contributed by Douglas Vincent on Mar 17, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    1. The abundance of God is given for a reason 2. We need the Spirit of God to show us how to use the abundance

    Genesis 41 Visions and Provisions A few weeks ago I told you a short story about receiving a message from God for a friend of mine. I want to bring you back to the story as a way of helping us understand how God works. My friend was in a tough spot. He had conflicted relationship with his more

  • God's Promise Our Response Series

    Contributed by Douglas Vincent on Mar 17, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    When I read this next section on Jacob’s ladder, God’s Promise and Jacobs response.

    Genesis 28:10-22 Esau has exposed the fraud to Isaac and is making plans to kill Jacob; Rebekah has discovered the plot and found a way of escape, sending Jacob to seek a wife among her own people. Jacob get sent with his Fathers blessing. But now he has to be wondering. He has the birthright and more

  • Birthrights And Blessings Series

    Contributed by Douglas Vincent on Mar 17, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    Birthrights and Blessings in the relationship with Isaac and Rebekah; and their sons Esau and Jacob.

    Genesis 27 Family Last week we talk about our inheritance from our parents (politically, psychology, behaviorally, and Spiritually). Looking at the relationship between Isaac and his parents. This week we are going to talk about Birthrights and Blessings in the relationship with Isaac and more

  • Family Inheritance Series

    Contributed by Douglas Vincent on Mar 17, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    Isaac repeats his Fathers mistake while simultatiously benefiting from his Fathers Faith and blessing. What we receive from our Parents is both Good and Bad, and I want us to wrestle with the reality of our own mixed inheritance.

    1. The Creation Stage Gen. 1–11 2. The Patriarchal Stage Gen. 12–50; Job 3. The Exodus Stage Exod.—Deut. 4. The Conquest Stage Josh. 5. The Judges Stage Judg.—1 Sam. 1–7 6. The United Kingdom Stage 1 Sam. 8—1 Kings 11; 1 Chron.—2 Chron. 9; Pss.—Song of Sol. 7. The more

  • Bitter Or Better Series

    Contributed by Douglas Vincent on Nov 22, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    What we are going to be trying to get our minds around today is how the promise of God Judgment can move us from being bitter angry people, to accepting and overcoming people

    Job 19:13-29 Life’s Turning Points Becoming Bitter or Better This weeks topic was Judgment, and normally I don’t like to hear the word Judgment. The message of God’s Judgment from Job is Good News. It is judgment from the perspective of the oppressed. It is justice for those who have been more

  • Compassion Series

    Contributed by Douglas Vincent on Nov 22, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    Over at the Compassion prayer station we have three options. Does a friend need a helping hand (a meal, someone to watch their children). Does a friend need a listening ear (someone to walk them through their thoughts and pain). Does someone need a sho

    Read Job 4:1-8 Shadowlands Video Clip Let us look in humility at the path of Job’s 3 friends. They travel a great distance. They sit with their friend for 7 days. They desire for him to be restored. (have any of us done this) Eliphaz is the senior member of the group and is greatly respected. more

  • Can Humans Have Integrity?

    Contributed by Douglas Vincent on Nov 22, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    Satan challenges God asumption that Job is righteous. The open question of Job is, "Can humans serve God for who he is?" Can they have real integrity.

    When I was a child my mom had to promise me she would give me a prize if I was good in the grocery store. I didn’t get that many prizes. But the motivation for my goodness was a prize. As I matured my Mother would ask me to be good in the store out of respect for her and the other shoppers. more

  • Getting Ready For Christmas

    Contributed by Douglas Vincent on Nov 19, 2004
    based on 50 ratings

    Romans 13:11-14 gives us three ways to prepare for Jesus’ Coming

    Intro 1. General – 2. Specific – Are we prepared for the coming of our Savior? 3. Text –Romans 13: 11 Besides this you know what hour it is, how it is full time now for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed; 12 the night is far gone, the day is at more

  • Jesus: Son Of Joseph Or Son Of God

    Contributed by Douglas Vincent on May 28, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    Jesus as the Son of God heals, reaches out, and is interested in our faith not our works.

    Luke 4:16-31 Jesus: Son of Joseph or Son of God January 25th 2004 This morning we are going to look at Jesus’ homecoming. Jesus’ neighbors were confronted with a decision they did not wish to make, and a claim they did not want to hear. Can Jesus still surprise us? He stood up to read. They had more

  • A Lasting Foundation

    Contributed by Douglas Vincent on May 28, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    The difference between a life that will endure the tests and trials of life and one that will fail is obedience to Jesus.

    Matthew 7:21-29—HOUSE OF CARDS Building a house is always a serious undertaking. I was about 5 years old when my uncle began showing me how to build a car house. He taught me three different ways in which I could stack the card. And each time he would start and I would want to jump right in after more

  • Can Jesus Still Suprise Us

    Contributed by Douglas Vincent on Jan 27, 2004
    based on 29 ratings

    What we can learn from Jesus’ teaching in his home town.

    Luke 4:16-31 Jesus: Son of Joseph or Son of God January 25th 2004 This morning we are going to look at Jesus’ homecoming. Jesus’ neighbors were confronted with a decision they did not wish to make, and a claim they did not want to hear. Can Jesus still surprise us? He stood up to read. They had more

  • Being Adopted Series

    Contributed by Douglas Vincent on Jan 27, 2004
    based on 29 ratings

    God is seeking take us out of our slavery to fear and adopt us as his children.

    In April 1998, a series of tornadoes ripped through the southern part of the United States. A day after one of the Storms had hit the NPR program All Things Considered aired a story about a congregation called the Church of the Open Door. Their church had been destroyed the day previous. more