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  • Called To Become...."fishers Of Men" Series

    Contributed by David Edward Ray on Feb 22, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Not everyone is called to become a Pastor, a Sunday School Teacher, an administrator or to become a worship leader. As followers of Christ, all are called to become....Fishers of Men.

    Called to Become... "FISHERS OF MEN" - Luke 5:1-11 1. Hearing the word of God • Multitudes press close to hear the word of God • People want to hear what God’s word has to say • It’s important that we sit at the feet of Jesus/ To learn from Him • Romans 10:17 Faith comes by hearing, more

  • Remember The Lord

    Contributed by David Edward Ray on Jun 6, 2019

    How quickly we forget the Lord after He has rescued us from sure destruction. Or how we take credit for our own deliverance and forget to give God thanks and glory. This is a short message that encourages believers to Remember the Lord for all of His goodness towards them.

    Remember the Lord Johnny missed the train that would have taken him to see his favorite Football team play on Saturday. Running behind, he frantically started driving to the match. As he approached the stadium, there wasn’t a parking space to be found, anywhere. Not wanting to miss the opening more

  • Flip The Switch

    Contributed by David Edward Ray on Jun 6, 2019

    Do you sometimes feel powerless in your walk with Christ? You've read all the books, watched all the programs and still feel there is something missing. The answer may be as simple as flipping the switch.

    Flip the switch A young boy walked into his bedroom one day where he found it to be very dark. He walked back out and told his dad the light in his room wasn’t working. His dad, Mr. Fix-it, full of pride said “No bother”, and he grabbed his tools and a little flashlight and went to his sons more

  • Escaping Your Alcatraz

    Contributed by David Edward Ray on Nov 26, 2016
    based on 2 ratings

    Escaping your Alcatraz is a message of hope for those that are caught in their own prison of addiction, depression or anything that has us bound. All of our efforts cannot set us free. The Spirit of the Lord can.

    On June 11, 1962, Clarence Anglin, John Anglin and Frank Morris tucked papier-Mache heads resembling their own likenesses into their beds, broke out of the main prison building via an unused utility corridor and departed Alcatraz Island aboard an improvised inflatable raft to an uncertain fate, more

  • The Four Dreams Of Maewyn Succat - St. Patrick's Day Sermon

    Contributed by David Edward Ray on Nov 15, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    The life story of Maewyn Succat (St Patrick) takes us through the life of a young man who was captured and sold as a slave in Ireland. After escaping and returning to his homeland, God called him back to the land of his Captors to preach the gospel.

    The four dreams of Maewyn Succat • Maewyn Succat was born in 387 AD in Roman Britain • His father was a deacon and his grandfather was a Presbyter, Maewyn himself was not a Christian • At the age of 16, Maewyn along with others was captured and taken prisoner by a band of Irish more