  • Daniel Habben

    Contributing sermons since Nov 2, 2004
Daniel's church

St. Peter Ev. Lutheran Church
St. Albert, *Province/Other T8N 0J6

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Newest Sermons

  • Jesus: Better High Priest, Better Cleansing

    Contributed on Nov 17, 2024

    This is a first-person sermon from the perspective of a priest during the time of Jesus.

    A woman spotted an antique copper kettle for $2 at a garage sale. It was badly tarnished, so she asked the man running the sale if he thought the discoloration would come out. “Hmm. Let me see,” said the man as he disappeared into his house with the kettle. He came out ten minutes later with the more

  • Impressing God: Harder Than You May Think; Easier Than You May Suppose.

    Contributed on Nov 10, 2024

    Simon Cowell is a familiar name to anyone who has watched shows like American Idol, The X Factor, and America’s Got Talent. He is the judge who’s usually scowling or looking totally bored. If you can get Simon to say something good about your performance, well, you may just be a star!

    Simon Cowell is a familiar name to anyone who has watched shows like American Idol, The X Factor, and America’s Got Talent. He is the judge who’s usually scowling or looking totally bored. If you can get Simon to say something good about your performance, well, you may just be a star! As far as more

  • Prevail Completely Over Every Difficulty, Demon, And Even Death

    Contributed on Feb 20, 2024

    Have you ever pulled off a lopsided victory—a volleyball match perhaps or a basketball game in which your team dominated from start to finish, or a race in which you finished minutes ahead of everyone else?

    In last Sunday’s Super Bowl, the Chiefs prevailed over the 49’s. The first three quarters may not have been especially exciting, but the Fourth Quarter and Over Time were something else! Last Sunday’s game was sure a lot more competitive than Super Bowl XXIV. In that 1990 championship game, the more

  • "who Am I?"

    Contributed on Aug 27, 2023

    Unravel God’s Identity and Discover Your Own

    I am going to start you off with a couple of “Who am I?” riddles this morning. “I dig out tiny caves, and store gold and silver in them. I also build bridges of silver and make crowns of gold. Who am I?” A: a dentist. Here’s another one. “I can shave several times a day but still have a beard. Who more

  • "dear God, Please Give Me..."

    Contributed on Jul 31, 2023

    If God offered to give you whatever you wanted, what would you ask for? Solomon teaches us how to ask for true riches.

    I found a website that published letters children addressed to God. As you can imagine, the letters are quite humorous. One girl wrote: “Dear God. Are you really invisible or it that just a trick?” Another child observed: “Dear God, I bet it is very hard for you to love all of everybody in the more

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