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  • Confidence In God's Reign

    Contributed by Dan Morrison on Oct 26, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    As these three men face the fire will they allow God to reign or will they allow an enemy to reign?

    Confidence in God’s reign Dan 3; Series: Confidence in God Questions to begin the message: 1. How many years do we know Daniel had to remain in Exile? 2. What kind of unnerving things did he face that would have a tendency to ‘SHAKE HIS CONFIDENCE’ in God? Separated from his family, physically more

  • Confidence In God's Revelation

    Contributed by Dan Morrison on Oct 10, 2002
    based on 31 ratings

    As Daniel faced his dilemma would he have confidence in what God was going to reveal?

    Confidence in God’s Revelation Sept 13, 2002 Daniel 2:1-49 Last week: Confidence in God’s Righteousness: We saw together how Daniel never threw away his confidence in God doing the right thing, even though he was an exile, undergoing dramatic change, he continued to have confidence in God. We more

  • Following God From The Low Place To The High Place

    Contributed by Dan Morrison on Sep 28, 2002
    based on 41 ratings

    How did Habakkuk move from his ’low place’ to the high place?

    Following God from the Low place to the High Place Habakkuk 1-3 Habakkuk ministered at the same time as Jeremiah. The nation of Judah was in a downward spiral to what I describe as a ‘low place’. Habakkuk found himself in the ‘low place’ as he was wondering why God allowed certain things to more

  • Finding The Will Of God: The Detour Sign Series

    Contributed by Dan Morrison on Sep 18, 2002
    based on 38 ratings

    This signpost is one of the hardest for us to accept but as I have studied I have found it to one of the most important. None of us really like detours, when we want to get somewhere, we want to get there, and we don’t want to be bothered with all of thi

    Finding God’s Will The Detour Sign March 24th 2002 This signpost is one of the hardest for us to accept but as I have studied I have found it to one of the most important. None of us really like detours, when we want to get somewhere, we want to get there, and we don’t want to be bothered with all more

  • Finding The Will Of God: The Information Signpost Series

    Contributed by Dan Morrison on Sep 18, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    While traveling how many of you don’t like to get lost? When you do lose your way, or you don’t think you are on the right track what do you do? Stop and get information.

    Finding God’s will: the Information Signpost. Intro: While traveling how many of you don’t like to get lost? When you do lose your way, or you don’t think you are on the right track what do you do? Stop and get information. My own experience: Others: ride all day rather than ask; some ask but more

  • Finding The Will Of God: The Weigh Station Series

    Contributed by Dan Morrison on Sep 18, 2002
    based on 18 ratings

    In Finding and walking in the will of God have you found there is a cost? It may cost you your job, popularity, cause you personal grief.

    Finding God’s will; The Weigh Station signpost (Decision Time) Illustration of the trips from Columbia and always concerned about the weigh station. Would I be able to go on or would I pull to the side. The weigh station sign reminds me to “Count the cost” In Finding and walking in the will of more

  • Finding The Will Of God: Telephone Sign Series

    Contributed by Dan Morrison on Sep 18, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    The telephone signpost; call home; prayer; what significance does prayer play in our “finding the will of God”?

    Finding the Will of God: The telephone signpost Jer.31: 21-22 a Verse that signifies what we are trying to accomplish wit these studies; FINDING THE WILL OF GOD; To find our way to find out what to do to find the will of God, we are looking at signpost, note verse 22, how long will you go here and more

  • Finding God's Will: The Rest Area Series

    Contributed by Dan Morrison on Sep 18, 2002
    based on 35 ratings

    The Rest Area a most important signpost but often misapplied. An often-used phrase when some one is trying to determine God’s will. “ I have a peace about it”. We are going to investigate today and explore this.

    Finding God’s will sign post rest area Sunday April 7th 2002 The Rest Area a most important signpost but often misapplied. An often-used phrase when some one is trying to determine God’s will. “ I have a peace about it”. We are going to investigate today and explore this. Symbolic of this more

  • Finding God's Will: Turn On The Headlights Series

    Contributed by Dan Morrison on Sep 18, 2002
    based on 35 ratings


    Finding God’s Will: Turn on your headlights Review: Yield; prayer; not complicated but we need to talk about another signpost to find the will of God; going to Knoxville a tunnel; Entering a dark tunnel sign says to turn on your headlights; what do you think this means as it relates to finding more

  • Facing Times Of Turmoil And Transition

    Contributed by Dan Morrison on Sep 18, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    Samuel was born into a time of turmoil and transition. He did not pick or choose his circumstances. How did he fare?

    Facing times of Turmoil and Transition A study in the life of Samuel Samuel was born into a time of turmoil and transition. He did not pick or choose his circumstances. How did he fare? When the dust settled and the epitaph was written we can say Samuel was an over comer. He faced these times more

  • Following God: Understanding His Ways Series

    Contributed by Dan Morrison on Aug 20, 2002
    based on 27 ratings

    Christianity is a pursuit not an arrival. What do I mean by that?

    Following God: Understanding His ways Today we start a new series, following God. There is also going to be something we will need to remember along with this series. Christianity is a pursuit not an arrival. What do I mean by that? Phil. 3:12-14; Heb.12:1-2; 12-14; 13:15; (continually). 1 more

  • Following God: The Minsitry Of Encouragement Series

    Contributed by Dan Morrison on Aug 20, 2002
    based on 75 ratings

    Could it be the most important ministry of the Church is the minstry of encouragement?

    Following God: The ministry of encouragement From what I’ve learned this week the most important ministry of the Church is the ministry of encouragement. Why is that? As I studied this week I found the impact that encouragement has upon a person or a group of people is incredible. The vision God more

  • Facts About Salvation

    Contributed by Dan Morrison on Aug 20, 2002
    based on 28 ratings

    From Romans 9 & 10 I see 5 undeniable facts about salvation.

    Facts about Salvation Romans 9 & 10 Preached at Midway Community Church May 14, 2000 Personal Testimony; Romans 9 & 10 gives us some reveling facts about salvation; As we examine these facts together, I want you to do something for me; be honest, this is to eternal an issue for anyone to be more

  • Entering His Rest Series

    Contributed by Dan Morrison on Aug 20, 2002
    based on 29 ratings

    God’s rest, what is it and why is it important?

    Entering His Rest Hebrews this is still in the Joshua series; Where the promise becomes a reality" Preached at Midway Community Church may 22, 2000; The challenge for us: to enter His rest; What does this term mean? Rest, to be safe and secure in the middle of all kind of storms. Not to be more

  • Definning Moments Series

    Contributed by Dan Morrison on Aug 20, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    Defining moments, we all have them. As Joshua was facing the end of his life, he challenged the people to chose, the choice they would make would define them as a people.

    Defining Moment; Joshua 24 Preached at Midway Community Church June 11, 2000; What is a defining moment? When a choice you make or an incident happens that will from that moment define some aspect of your life! We have many of these moments through out our physical lives. Examples: when we more

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