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  • Home Boundaries: The Leading Parent

    Contributed by Clarence Peters on Feb 17, 2007
    based on 15 ratings

    God’s holiness and love provides an excellent framework for parenting in healthy ways in families. Neglect one to your peril.

    Most of you remember rather well how you were disciplined, or how you weren’t. That will often shape the kind of parent you become. When you get there, it can be really frustrating. As a parent you’re wondering, "Why won’t they listen to me. They’re disrespectful and I can’t get them to do the more

  • At Home In Your Body Series

    Contributed by Clarence Peters on Jan 5, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    God has created us carefully and wonderfully, which should be part of our "body image".

    At Home in Your Body Text: Psa 139; 1Ti 4:4-5 Focus: God has created us carefully and wonderfully, which should be part of our "body image". Function: The listener will give thanks for the body they have been given. Most of us will ask this question at some point: "Who am I?" We might think more

  • Training A Healthy Conscience

    Contributed by Clarence Peters on Jul 23, 2005
    based on 27 ratings

    Conscience is a gift of God to keep us morally safe, at peace, and connected to Him.

    Text: topical Function: The listener will pay heightened attention to conscience, confessing where needed. You may know the feeling. You tell your parents you’re going one place, when really you’re going to another. You take cash to avoid taxes. You spread a story about someone. You break a more

  • How To Find A Hero

    Contributed by Clarence Peters on Oct 12, 2004
    based on 6 ratings

    Find the right people to copy and you will grow upward rather than downward.

    How to Find a Hero Function: The listener will be able to identify healthy people to mimic and avoid those who drag them down. Some of you will remember times when no one gave a second thought to hitchhiking -- the roads were assumed to be safe. When you walked into a store, no one would scan more

  • Three Faith Anchors

    Contributed by Clarence Peters on Sep 8, 2004
    based on 29 ratings

    Endurance is inspired by the resurrection, by our love for others, and by the prospect of reward at the finish line.

    Three Faith Anchors Text: 2 Tim 2:8-13 9/3/04 Function: The listener will take courage to continue in the faith amidst possible discouragement. Every day, people like you face difficult circumstances. Some of these things you face just might be hard hitting enough so that your faith takes a more

  • Boldly Grow

    Contributed by Clarence Peters on Aug 24, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    Spiritual growth is ignited by passion, fuelled by the power of God, and sustained by self-discipline.

    Central Verses: 1:6-7 Behavioural goal: The listener will set a growth goal for the coming months and pursue it. Last Sunday many of you heard a message from Psalm 90 on making your life count. I want you to think way back to that time to reflect for a moment. Did it make any difference in more

  • Make Your Life Count

    Contributed by Clarence Peters on Aug 17, 2004
    based on 125 ratings

    Life is short so make God’s best of it.

    Make Your Life Count Focus: Life is short so make God’s best of it. Function: The listener will make an assessment of their lives to re-align priorities as needed. Most of us don’t like to see money wasted. If someone inherits hundreds of thousands of dollars and blows it all in a few months more