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  • God’s Power Series

    Contributed by Christopher Glenn on Jul 7, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    God intended for His Church to be a church that moved, breathed, and acted in His power. Now there are three specific ways Jesus said that this power from the Holy Spirit was to be applied that we are going to look at today.

    GOD’S POWER Story of power outage God intended for His Church to be a church that moved, breathed, and acted in His power. Now there are three specific ways Jesus said that this power from the Holy Spirit was to be applied that we are going to look at today. I. POWER ESTABLISHED A. The power more

  • God's Plan Series

    Contributed by Christopher Glenn on Jun 9, 2013

    Today we want to begin by examining God’s plan for building a church that would be invincible, because as it’s foundation it has Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God

    GOD’S PLAN - Today we being a brand new series – Church God’s way. - The church is God's one redemptive institution placed on this earth. - It was to the church that Jesus gave the Great Commission. - It is through the church that Jesus brings the message of salvation to the more

  • Christian Warfare: Christian Armor Series

    Contributed by Christopher Glenn on Jul 14, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    This week we will see the spiritual equipment and armor that God provides. In order to stand therefore in the heat of battle, believers need every piece of God's armor.

    INTRODUCTION: It comes as a shock to the new believer that the Christian Life is a battleground and not a playground. We can always tell when a new believer is starting to mature, because they always find themselves fighting battles. This is a good sign because as Spurgeon used to say, “Satan more

  • Christian Warefare: "The Accuser" Series

    Contributed by Christopher Glenn on Jul 5, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    God will never defend his children’s sins, he will however defend his children. When Abraham lied in Egypt, he defended Abraham not his sin. When you listen to Satan’s accusations, you will focus your attention on yourself and your sin, this will lead to

    INTRODUCTION: We have learned that as the deceiver Satan uses lies to attack the mind to make us ignorant of Gods will. If Satan cannot defeat you by deceiving your mind, He will try to destroy your body. Then he goes after your will. Suppose that the believer does not take advantage of their more

  • Christian Warfare: "The Ruler" Series

    Contributed by Christopher Glenn on Jul 5, 2012

    We learned so far as the deceiver Satan uses lies to attack the mind to make us ignorant of God’s will. As the destroyer, he attacks our bodies to make us impatient with God’s will. We will see this week that as the Ruler, Satan attacks the will and the w

    INTRODUCTION: Unfortunately, many people don't believe that the Devil really exists. We characterize Satan as some fictitious person. We learned so far as the deceiver Satan uses lies to attack the mind to make us ignorant of God’s will. As the destroyer, he attacks our bodies to make us more

  • Christian Warfare: The Destroyer Series

    Contributed by Christopher Glenn on Jun 21, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Unfortunately, many people don't believe that the Devil really exists. We characterize Satan as some fictitious person. We learned last week that as the deceiver Satan uses lies to attack the mind to make us ignorant of God’s will. If Satan cannot defeat

    Christian Warfare Part 2 The Destroyer Job 2:1-7 INTRODUCTION: Unfortunately, many people don't believe that the Devil really exists. We characterize Satan as some fictitious person. We learned last week that as the deceiver Satan uses lies to attack the mind to make us ignorant of God’s more

  • Christian Warfare: The Deciever" Series

    Contributed by Christopher Glenn on Jun 9, 2012

    Over the next several weeks, we are going to look at strategies of Satan, How to detect him, and how to defeat him. We will look at four people from the Old Testament who had a direct confrontation with Satan.

    Christian Warfare Part 1 The Deceiver Genesis 3:1-7 INTRODUCTION: I. Unfortunately, many people don’t believe that the Devil really exists. We characterize Satan as some fictitious person. A. ILLUSTRATION: 1. Once a boxer was being badly beaten. Battered and bruised, he leaned over the ropes and more

  • Open Heart Surgery

    Contributed by Christopher Glenn on Mar 31, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    What is the secret of success? It all depends on whom you ask. Hollywood would say, "A pretty face is the secret.” In D.C. they might say, “Knowing the right people is the keys. On Wall Street they would say, it takes “Financial clout and leverage.” Is th

    “Open Heart Surgery” 1 Samuel 16:7; Acts 13:22 What is the secret of success? It all depends on whom you ask. Hollywood would say, "A pretty face is the secret.” In D.C. they might say, “Knowing the right people is the keys. On Wall Street they would say, it takes more

  • Who Are We?

    Contributed by Christopher Glenn on Mar 24, 2012

    Who are you? Are you saved, or are you still a natural man? Are you spiritual?Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, he refers to three types of people: the Natural Man, the Spiritual Man, and the Carnal Man. Now, every person in this church will fall in

    WHO ARE WE? I Corinthians 2:14-3:4 Society classifies people . Economically people are rich or poor. In the social realm, people are cultured or uncultured. Academically you have the educated, the intellectual, and those who are illiterate. People are always trying to classify us. Even the Bible more

  • Circumstances

    Contributed by Christopher Glenn on Mar 17, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    It's not your circumstances, it's your character that matters.

    CIRCUMSTANCES Genesis 39:23 - Two of the great laws of life we must eventually learn are 1) Many circumstances we have in life are uncontrollable 2) Things don't always go as planned - Life just doesn't always go the way we want it to go. - Many things in life are beyond our control. - These more

  • "In God We Trust", Really?

    Contributed by Christopher Glenn on Aug 22, 2011

    Do you really trust God as a normal part of your life? The truth is that faith comes down to one word and that one word is - TRUST. We can know something in our heads but never experience the reality of that thing in our lives because there is a world of

    "In God We Trust Really? Pastor Chris Glenn The Community Church 11/7/10 Hebrews 11:1 On the face of our money are the words: "In God We Trust." A few years ago, the use of those words on our currency was challenged in court. The case reached the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, more