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  • Worry About Yourself Series

    Contributed by Chris Anderson on Mar 14, 2024

    Message16 (and final message) in an expositional series through Paul's "second" letter to the church in the ancient Greek city of Corinth where he defends his apostleship and corrects serious doctrinal errors within this young church.

    Let’s start this morning with a time of confession. By show of hands, how many of you have ever had a mysterious ailment that caused you to turn to Dr. Google or WebMD for a diagnosis? Raise your hand again if you convinced yourself that said diagnosis was likely terminal. Raise your hand again if more

  • Strength Through Weakness (Part 2) Series

    Contributed by Chris Anderson on Mar 14, 2024

    Message15 in an expositional series through Paul's "second" letter to the church in the ancient Greek city of Corinth where he defends his apostleship and corrects serious doctrinal errors within this young church.

    This week I learned about an interesting paradox called The Mother’s Paradox. Mothers, see if you can relate to any of these ideas: • Motherhood is a complete sacrifice of alone time, but it can be so lonely • In Motherhood, the days are long but the years are short • Motherhood is hilarious, but more

  • Strength Through Weakness (Part 1) Series

    Contributed by Chris Anderson on Mar 14, 2024

    Message 14 in an expositional series through Paul's "second" letter to the church in the ancient Greek city of Corinth where he defends his apostleship and corrects serious doctrinal errors within this young church.

    Some of you may not know this about me, but I am in fact bi-lingual. I am fluent in English and sarcasm. And because that is true, I love the verses in 2 Corinthians 11:16-33, if you want to turn with me there this morning. We have been studying the book of 2 Corinthians together for a few months more

  • What To Look For In A Leader Series

    Contributed by Chris Anderson on Apr 30, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Message 13 in an expositional series through Paul's "second" letter to the church in the ancient Greek city of Corinth where he defends his apostleship and corrects serious doctrinal errors within this young church.

    This past week Dr. Charles Stanley passed away. There is no denying that he had a tremendous influence in American Christianity over the past few decades, and ultimately, that’s what leadership is—influence. Dr. Stanley became well-known for teaching through a series of 30 Life Principles built on more

  • How To Deal With Haters Series

    Contributed by Chris Anderson on Apr 21, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Message 12 in an expositional series through Paul's "second" letter to the church in the ancient Greek city of Corinth where he defends his apostleship and corrects serious doctrinal errors within this young church.

    I’ve shared before that my grandfather served in World War II and as a result, I’ve always been drawn to stories and movies and books about WWII. My grandpa died while I was in college and one of my biggest regrets is that I never got to hear very many firsthand accounts of the war. In fact, like more

  • The Joy Of Living Generously Series

    Contributed by Chris Anderson on Apr 16, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Message 11 in an expositional series through Paul's "second" letter to the church in the ancient Greek city of Corinth where he defends his apostleship and corrects serious doctrinal errors within this young church.

    This morning, I want to engage in a little time travel. I want you to think about your fondest memories of attending church. Maybe it was a mission trip. Maybe it was a church experience participating in an exciting expansion project. Maybe it was a church cantata. Maybe it was a church context more

  • Easter: God’s Solution To Man’s Problems Series

    Contributed by Chris Anderson on Apr 6, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    This Easter message explores three truths from the unlikely Easter passage of Romans 8

    Several years ago I heard about the story of the late, great pastor Adrian Rogers and his encounter with someone on an airplane. I quote: I once met a lawyer on an airplane. We began to talk about what we like to read. I said, “I read newspapers, books, journals, devotional studies, but primarily more

  • The Upside Down Logic Of Heaven Series

    Contributed by Chris Anderson on Mar 28, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Message 10 in an expositional series through Paul's "second" letter to the church in the ancient Greek city of Corinth. This devotional is an abbreviated sermon preached on a Sunday in which the Lord's Supper was celebrated.

    On what was probably a beautiful spring day in the first-century Roman providence of Judea, a large crowd had gathered on the Korazim Plateau, overlooking the southern slopes of Lake Tiberias. It was rumored that the increasingly popular teacher, Yeshua (yay-SHOO-a), would be addressing the crowd more

  • God’s Promise To Prodigals Series

    Contributed by Chris Anderson on Mar 25, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Message 9 in an expositional series through Paul's "second" letter to the church in the ancient Greek city of Corinth where he defends his apostleship and corrects serious doctrinal errors within this young church.

    Finish this sentence for me: “This is going to hurt me… (more than its going to hurt you).” That is a lie that parents have been telling since the beginning of time. I grew up in the age of corporal punishment (i.e. paddling at home and at school). And while I’ll admit to having doled out a few more

  • Can't Steal My Joy Series

    Contributed by Chris Anderson on Mar 20, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Message 8 in an overview series through Philippians focusing on the theme that joy is not based on circumstances.

    An airline pilot was flying over the Tennessee mountains and pointed out a lake to his copilot. “See that little lake?” he said. “When I was a kid I used to sit in a rowboat down there, fishing. Every time a plane would fly overhead, I’d look up and wish I was flying it. Now I look down and wish I more

  • Peace In The Midst Of A Pandemic Series

    Contributed by Chris Anderson on Mar 20, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Message 7 in an overview series through Philippians focusing on the theme that joy is not based on circumstances.

    A family had put their Grandma on her first plane flight, but she hadn’t been very confident about the experience of leaving the ground on this contraption. When they met her at the airport on her return, one of the family members kidded her by asking, “Well, did the plane hold you up okay?” She more

  • This World Is Not My Own Series

    Contributed by Chris Anderson on Mar 20, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Message 6 in an overview series through Philippians focusing on the theme that joy is not based on circumstances.

    [BUMPER: Clip of Dorothy from Wizard of Oz] There’s no place like home! How many of you have NOT seen that clip before from the Wizard of Oz? Even if you haven’t seen this movie clip before, can we all agree with Dorothy that there’s just no place like home? Listen, you can go on your fancy more

  • All The Wrong Places Series

    Contributed by Chris Anderson on Mar 20, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Message 5 in an overview series through Philippians focusing on the theme that joy is not based on circumstances.

    ILLUSTRATION – Doing the brakes on my daughter’s car…lost the lug nut key. After searching for DAYS in the garage, I eventually found it at the end of the driveway 100 yards away… I was looking in all the wrong places. And this illustration is the picture I want to paint this morning of our quest more

  • More Than I Deserve Series

    Contributed by Chris Anderson on Mar 20, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Message 4 in an overview series through Philippians focusing on the theme that joy is not based on circumstances.

    Since the early 1970’s there have been dozens of books and hundreds of articles written from a supposedly Christian perspective that tell us how to build our self-esteem, our mate’s self-esteem, and our children’s self-esteem. We have been assured by the supposed “experts” on human behavior that more

  • Far Better Series

    Contributed by Chris Anderson on Mar 20, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Message 3 in our series through Philippians as we pause to center our focus on what Paul describes as "far better" (Bonus Message on Heaven).

    Have you ever noticed that life is always better when a vacation is on the horizon? It’s just a fact of life. When you’re going on a long trip you may contact a travel agency or you surf the net or talk to friends who have had a great experience somewhere. So you begin to look at pictures. You more

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