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  • In The Spirit

    Contributed by Buddy Baird on Apr 30, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    We want to have an encounter with God just as John did on the Isle of Patmos.

    IN THE SPIRIT ON THE LORD’S DAY TEXT: Revelation 1.9-11 INTRODUCTION: John knew who Jesus was. He had walked with Him for 3 years. He had seen Him heal, save and raise the dead. Many miracles were performed while John was watching. John is around 90 years old at this time. He was the more

  • Stirring In The Cemetary

    Contributed by Buddy Baird on Apr 30, 2007

    Jesus Christ rose again from the grave to give salvation to everyone who will come.

    STIRRING IN THE CEMETARY TEXT: 1 Corinthians 15.3-4 INTRODUCTION: The resurrection of Jesus is a historical fact. He arose from the dead. Many groups have tried to disprove this fact. But as we see in Scripture, the evidence is overwhelming to this fact. John’s Gospel is written as a more

  • Via Dolarosa

    Contributed by Buddy Baird on Apr 30, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus came to be the sacrifice to provide salvation to everyone who will come to Him.

    VIA DOLAROSA TEXT: John 19.28-30 INTRODUCTION: People are looking for love in this world, but Jesus is the greatest example of love that there has ever been. 1. We see God’s love when He sends Jesus. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth more

  • Holy Ghost Baptism

    Contributed by Buddy Baird on Apr 30, 2007
    based on 24 ratings

    We want to see that God wants to give to us the complete infilling of His Spirit.

    HOLY GHOST BAPTISM TEXT: Acts 2.1-4 INTRODUCTION: Many people see the Holy Ghost as and influence or energy, and not a person. “Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in more

  • Big Dreams

    Contributed by Buddy Baird on Apr 30, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    We see as God gave big dreams to Joseph, the enemy tried to stop them, but God did not leave Joseph.

    BIG DREAMS The Dream of Joseph TEXT: Genesis 37.1-6 INTRODUCTION: God will give us a dream. He has a special plan for your life and want to fulfill His will in you. In August of 1963, Martin Luther King made a famous speech, in which he told them, “I have a dream.” His dream was that more

  • Not On My Team Series

    Contributed by Buddy Baird on Mar 17, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    Would you want Peter on your team, he denied even knowing you, but Jesus used him.

    PART 4 DON’T WANT HIM ON MY TEAM! TEXT: MATTHEW 26.58, 75 INTRODUCTION: This sermon will bring an end to our series on the calling and preparation of Peter as given to us in the Gospels. We have watched Peter as he progresses from his call at the Sea of Galilee, and the immediate departure from more

  • University Of Trials Series

    Contributed by Buddy Baird on Mar 17, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Peter had some trials to prepare him for his future ministry in the church.

    PART 3 THE UNIVERSITY OF TRIALS AND TRIBULATION TEXT: MATTHEW 16.21-23 INTRODUCTION: We continue to study the life of Peter. Remember that Jesus had called, and Peter left all behind in order to become a follower. You will also recall where just prior to our text, Jesus gives out the mission more

  • Whats My Line Series

    Contributed by Buddy Baird on Mar 17, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon centers around the declaration of Peter that Jesus was the Christ.

    PART 2 WHAT’S MY LINE TEXT: MATTHEW 16.13-18 INTRODUCTION: I recall watching reruns of an old games show that was a hit during the 50’s and 60’s. The show was called “What’s my line?” In this game the panel would try to guess the occupation of a contestant by asking yes and no questions. This more

  • Follow The Leader Series

    Contributed by Buddy Baird on Mar 17, 2007

    This sermon looks at the call of the apostle Peter.

    PART 1 FOLLOW THE LEADER TEXT: MATTHEW 4.18-19 INTRODUCTION: In September 2006, my wife and I moved from Tennessee to Illinois to pastor a church. What would make us quit our jobs, sell our house, load a truck and move 400 miles from our hometown? It was a calling from God to follow Him. He more

  • Friend In Heaven

    Contributed by Buddy Baird on Oct 17, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    We do have a friend that loves us and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

    FRIEND IN HEAVEN TEXT: John 15.13, 14 INTRODUCTION: A. A famous singer has a song entitled, "Friends in low places." B. People seem to like to brag about this very fact. C. Yet at a Christian, we can brag about a fact that others cannot say. D. We can tell, we can sing about a friend in a more

  • The Challenge

    Contributed by Buddy Baird on Oct 17, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Nehemiah came and fulfilled the challenge before him, we must also accept the challenge that God has placed before us.

    CHALLENGE TEXT: Nehemiah 1.3-6, 11 INTRODUCTION: The book of Nehemiah is the conclusion to Old Testament history. He is giving the history of the third and final return of the Jews from captivity to the city of Jerusalem in 444 BC. This book emphasis the importance of spiritual recovery and a more

  • Born To Die

    Contributed by Buddy Baird on Oct 17, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Christ became the lamb that would take away the sin of the world.

    BORN TO DIE TEXT: Galatians 4.4 INTRODUCTION: A. Man had to present a lamb to be offered for their sins. B. This had to be done on a yearly basis. C. The blood covered the sin of man. D. There had to be another way to take care of sin. E. God sent His son to do away with sin. "For if the more

  • Partnership In The Gospel

    Contributed by Buddy Baird on Oct 17, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    To be successful we must be partners in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    PARTNERSHIP IN THE GOSPEL TEXT: Exodus 4.27 - 5.1 INTRODUCTION: Who does ministry? Is it the pastor, or other staff member. That would be many responses by people. However, we are all to be involved in ministry. We are all called to fulfill the mission of Jesus Christ. Our involvement in more

  • Who Am I?

    Contributed by Buddy Baird on Oct 16, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Insights into how we can realize that we are special in the sight of God.

    WHO AM I? TEXT: 1 Samuel 17.32-37 INTRODUCTION: If you are a parent, then you most likely seen a movie called “Toy Story.” One of the main characters is a cowboy named “Woody.” In “Toy Story 2,” Woody is kidnapped by the owner of a toy store, who intends on selling him to a toy museum. Upon more