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  • Jesus: The Master Teacher Series

    Contributed by Art Good on Nov 6, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    During this series we honored people in the world who make a difference. This sermon honors teachers, especially the Master Teacher, Jesus.

    Illus. Teacher’s Appreciation day. Daughter of Florist. Son of Candy Store. Son of owner of Liquor Store. “Is it wine?” “Champagne?” I give up you’ll have to tell me.” “It’s a puppy!” How many of you remember a teacher who was deserving of that kind of gift? A Teacher who impacted your life more

  • If God Owns It All What Am I Doing With It? Series

    Contributed by Art Good on Nov 6, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    If God wons everything then why is it in your hands, your bank account, your life? God has a reason!

    If God Owns It All, What Am I Doing With It? ILLUS. Police officer sitting back, off road, watching traffic. Car passes him slowly. Other cars speeding around it. As much of a danger as a speeder. Pulled up behind them. Only doing 22 mph. Noticed elderly driver and 4 more

  • What Makes A Messenger Great? Series

    Contributed by Art Good on Nov 6, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    During this series we honoreded people in the world who make a difference: This sermon was to honor those who serve in the news media.

    Paul Revere (slide)Of the Man who carried the torch for the first Olympic Games What Makes A Messenger Great? 1. When They Know Their Message Is Something Special. A. Their Message Is Exciting Why is front page news on the front page? Why are the tops stories, the top stories? Why isn’t, more

  • Life To The Extreme Series

    Contributed by Art Good on Nov 6, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Tired of the hamster wheel? This is how to get off the wheel and start living according to His will!

    Life to the Extreme (Clip) Ken Hannah snowboards off cliffs, flies 40 feet straight up on a bicycle, and jumps out of airplanes on a snowboard. Someone once asked him how he learned to do all those incredible things. He answered, “I’m an extreme person. When I was 6 years old I rode my bike more

  • Drop The Weight Of Trivial Pursuits Series

    Contributed by Art Good on Aug 14, 2007
    based on 10 ratings

    This backpack I am wearing has stones, rocks within it that weekly we are exposing, and laying them down, giving them to God. Well, today we are talking about the weight of trivial Pursuits, the weight of the pursuing meaningless things.

    Drop the Weight of Trivial Pursuits Over the past few weeks we have been talking about dropping the weight, dropping the weight of junk we are carrying that tire us out, wear us down, and cause all sorts of problems in our relationships with each other, and our relationship with God. This more

  • Drop The Weight, The Tongue Series

    Contributed by Art Good on Aug 14, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    If I were to ask you what the most powerful thing in the world is, what would you say? What if the most powerful thing in the world are our words? The words that we speak to each other.

    Drop The Weight, The Tongue Hebrews 12:1 says “Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders, and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race set before us.” If I were to ask you what the most powerful more

  • What Do These Stones Mean? Series

    Contributed by Art Good on Aug 14, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    These stones speak to me of God’s grace. They are my pile of stones that remind me that God has worked powerfully in my life in times past, and He will do so again. These stones remind me of the thousands of stones God has moved in my life, of the thousan

    How many early risers do we have here today? When you wake up you are ready to go! Wide awake! People who aren’t early risers can’t stand to be around you. When travel, I like to leave early! Excited to get where I’m going. Well, imagine dreaming and planning to go someplace your entire life. more

  • Drop The Weight Of Sin Series

    Contributed by Art Good on Jul 26, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Today we begin a series which will last several weeks, called “Drop The Weight”. Throughout this series you will be asked to release the sins you have been carrying, in some cases, maybe these are things that have been a part of your life for a long time

    Drop The Weight I have a backpack on…and it is really heavy! It’s heavy because it’s filled with rocks, stones! “Why on earth would you fill backpack w/rocks?” Good ? The rocks in my backpack symbolize the various sins in our life. (have someone take out rock: “sin”) This stone today more

  • Come Inside And See What Happens

    Contributed by Art Good on Jul 26, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    Maybe, there is someone listening to me right now, who walked into this building and you had a problem you couldn’t solve, you had a knot in your stomach you’ve been carrying around for days. And maybe, this morning, something has happened inside you. M

    Come Inside and See What Happens Illus. Last January our family went to Disney World. The kids loved it until we took them on one particular ride. Jordan was a little apprehensive when he read the name, “The Tower of Terror”. But I said to him, “Just go inside and see what happens.” He went more

  • What Does Jesus Look Like? Series

    Contributed by Art Good on Jul 26, 2007

    If you could use a single word to define Jesus what would it be? Love comes to mind, maybe forgiving, merciful, kind? How about the Word “grace”?

    What Does Jesus Look Like? Art Good (For “Mirror Image” Series March 25, 2007) If you could use a single word to define Jesus what would it be? Love comes to mind, maybe forgiving, merciful, kind? How about the Word “grace”? Great word – grace. I have said a number of times that I long to more

  • You Are The Reason For The Season

    Contributed by Art Good on Jun 8, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Why did Jesus come? What is the real reason for the season? This sermon will reminds us that we are the reason for the season.

    I had a plan…When I was about 13, there was a skunk that hung out around our house. My Dad used to complain about it. Our neighbors dog would bark and it would spray, and the house smelled like…well…skunk for a few days. Dad was worried that one of us would be outside at night and we would more

  • Called To Be His Heart For The World Series

    Contributed by Art Good on Jun 8, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    In this final sermon in the series we are going ee that we have been called to be His heart for the world! When someone is passionate about someone or something we say their heart is really in it. What was Jesus’ heart really into?

    Called to be His Heart for the World I have a confession to make. The other night I snapped. My wife and I get a dozen or so “Sales calls” a day. I was watching an NBA playoff game and the phone rang…and it was a sales call, so I grabbed my referee’s whistle, leaned into the mouthpiece and more

  • Living Sacrifices Series

    Contributed by Art Good on Jun 7, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Why do Christians wear a cross? What is its meaning to the church? In this message we are going to look at 4 images that will help us understand the place of the cross in the life of the believer.

    Illus. In Texas last week, an 18 year old man was arrested for wearing a noose in public. As Jewelry. Seems kind of morbid doesn’t it? A noose is an instrument of an agonizing death. It represents vigilante law, I would never be proud to wear a noose. What about an electric chair? Did you more

  • Beyond The Tomb Series

    Contributed by Art Good on Jun 5, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This series examines the life and continuing mission of the church after the resurrection of Jesus. And reminds us that there is work to be done!

    Drama (I started with a dram about 2 people Jan and John who had become disillusioned about the church.) In the book of Acts the church emerges and enters the world in a powerful way. But somehow, over the years something has changed. Like Jan and John’s relationship the church has lost it’s more