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  • The Last Supper Series

    Contributed by Andy Moyle on Jul 4, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    The last supper contrasts two plans Satan's and God and 2 Passovers - the old and the new

    Climactic meal of the series (two more after the resurrection) It’s the last passover before the cross. Jesus is about to fully usher in the new covenant, making the Passover meal they are about eat the last one and starting a radically different passover that we celebrate as the Lord’s more

  • When Is It Right To Heal The Sick Series

    Contributed by Andy Moyle on Jun 15, 2016

    At the leading Pharisees house Jesus deals with legalism, honour/shame and who is invited to the feast of the kingdom of God

    oday's meal with Jesus is the last he has with a Pharisee - so it's fitting its a chief Pharisee. It doesn't go well for the Pharisee, but it does for a man with dropsy. Dropsy is the old-fashioned name for oedema - water retention in the body often caused by kidney failure or heart problems skin more

  • Meals With Jesus - Clean Cup Series

    Contributed by Andy Moyle on Jun 15, 2016

    Christianity is an inside job - Jesus deals with the Pharisees who are obsessed with externals.

    Jesus is on the way to Jerusalem to die on the cross, rise again and ascend to the Father so the Spirit can come! Along the way, there’s a series of meals with Jesus where we learn much about the gospel and the Christian life 1) Levi - the traitor to Israel has repented and joined the kingdom more

  • Meals With Jesus - Mary And Martha Series

    Contributed by Andy Moyle on Jun 15, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Worship fuels service

    The gospel of Luke is the story of Jesus heading towards Jerusalem to die for us and rise again. It's written as a series of journeys that include meals. Each meal unfolds a bit more of the gospel. There some strange teaching going round now where people say the teaching of the Gospel is just for more

  • The Feeding Of The 5000 - On A Mission With A Miracle Series

    Contributed by Andy Moyle on Jun 15, 2016

    Jesus gets the 12 to take responsibility for the mission, which will need a miracle

    Going on a journey through Luke - in a series of meals that teaches us about the Gospel and head towards the breaking of bread! First meal at Levi's we see how Levi's destiny should have been as God's Go Between a Priest, but sin had marred him and robbed him of his true destiny and made him a more

  • Feasting With A Pharisee And A Prostitute Series

    Contributed by Andy Moyle on Jun 15, 2016

    In Meals with Jesus pt2 Simon the Pharisee is intrigued enough to invite Jesus to dinner, but a gatecrasher winds him up. What will you learn from this meal with Jesus?

    Imagine you are at a respectable dinner party - at the local major's house. The dinner is on honour of a visiting speaker. Of course you are excited, because you've heard about the speaker and are intrigued about his views. During the meal suddenly the doorbell rings and you think nothing of it more

  • Feasting With Levi Series

    Contributed by Andy Moyle on Jun 15, 2016

    Levi was ambushed by Jesus and then hosts a dinner party to mix his new Christians friends with his old life friends. See what happens and how you can apply it to your life

    Joining days - what are our values - most says Food! Food is important - not just for fuel but what happens as we eat together. Often a meal is as much about the people coming as it is about people who are coming Meals are important in the life of Jesus too. There are three ways the NT completes more

  • Jesus Gives Us Grateful Hearts Series

    Contributed by Andy Moyle on Apr 11, 2016

    The grace of God operating in our lives overflows in gratitude - here's why and how...

    Every now and again someone will post a meme saying that there are 365 times in the bible that God says "Do not be afraid" or "do not fear" one for each day of the year. Absolute nonsense sadly. It's actually only 126 times! Sentiment is good God does want you to overcome fear and go in His more

  • Jesus Gives Us Favour Series

    Contributed by Andy Moyle on Feb 29, 2016

    Worldly favour is fickle, but divine favour, grace, is God's "I'm for you" attitude. Learn how to receive it and grow in it like Jesus

    Favour is a fickle thing in the world. In the Lion the witch and the wardrobe, there is a scene where Edmund is betraying his family. He is a King of Narnia, but doesn't know it. The evil Queen has offered him the chance to be a prince, if he brings the rest of the family to her. She wants to kill more

  • Missional Meals

    Contributed by Andy Moyle on Feb 24, 2016

    Eating food to the glory of God on a mission

    Introduction Food pays an important part of our mission here at The Gateway. Leadership team starting thinking through our core values - our ways in Christ, everyone said FOOD first! Gospel of Luke 1/5 sentences is somehow related to a meal. Jesus either going to a meal, coming from a meal, having more

  • There Is Hope - Loneliness Series

    Contributed by Andy Moyle on Feb 24, 2016

    How to overcome loneliness

    This morning we are going to look at what loneliness is, four cause of loneliness that even the Apostle Paul experienced and four solutions he applied that we can too Loneliness is defined as "separation anxiety caused by feeling disconnected" or in simpler terms - an unwelcome emotion caused by more

  • There Is Hope - Relationship Difficulties Series

    Contributed by Andy Moyle on Feb 24, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    There is hope for you if you are having relationship difficulties

    There is hope - there is always hope! * There is hope no matter how bad things seem at the moment. * There is hope no matter how frustrated you feel. * There is hope no matter how much pain and heartache you’ve experienced. * There is hope no matter how strained your relationship has more

  • There Is Hope - Death Series

    Contributed by Andy Moyle on Feb 24, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    There is hope for life after death

    Death is the great leveller - we will all die! Rich and poor, black and white, young and old. Someone once said that nothing is certain in life except taxes and death. Trouble is a good accountant can always find a way round taxes, but we can't cheat death. George Bernard Shaw said "the statistics more

  • There Is Hope - Family Issues Series

    Contributed by Andy Moyle on Feb 24, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Family can be a paradox - a place of love and support , " a haven in a heartless world", but it can also be awful. How does the gospel help us?

    We are looking at There is hope - family challenges. Family can be a paradox - a place of love and support , " a haven in a heartless world" as one sociologist put it, can be a place of violence, abuse and despair. Something that many of us consider to be the most important and precious thing in more

  • Settle Disputes Like A Christian Series

    Contributed by Andy Moyle on Feb 24, 2016

    The Corinthians were pretty American - they loved suing each other. So Paul tells them to stop it and do it the grace way!

    As you can see this morning we are passionate about being a gateway for the gospel to goto the nations. I want to see heaven populated with people from all nations because of what we have been partnering with the Spirit in here! Apostle Paul had a similar passion and he had a problem in Corinth more