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  • Our Father Who Is In Heaven

    Contributed by Amanda Wilson on Apr 21, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    A meditation on the Lord’s prayer as it is presented in Matthew.

    Note: If you are not familiar with the Lectio Divina/ meditation style of preaching PLEASE LISTEN to the mp3 FIRST before reading the script. Today we are going on a journey to be with Jesus. And I want you to use your thinking and your imagination; to involve yourself in the journey. So take a more

  • Child Of God Series

    Contributed by Amanda Wilson on Jan 8, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A lectio divina (meditation on the scriptures) using the song "Heart of God" by Amanda Wilson.

    Note: If you are not familiar with the meditative style of lectio divina please take 20 minutes and listen to the audio rather than just reading the script. Today we are going on a journey, a journey of the heart and soul using your mind, your thinking and imagination, to go on a a journey to meet more

  • Isaiah's Vision For Today

    Contributed by Amanda Wilson on Nov 18, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Isaiah’s vision in the temple and the message he received there is just as valid for the church and Christians today as it was for God’s people then - what is not of Me must be removed from My kingdom. My kingdom will only be built on My holiness and My g

    Isaiah 6:1-13 6:1 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on his throne, high and lofty; and the hem of his robe filled the temple. Though the Lord sits on his heavenly throne, yet He is also present in His temple - filling His temple with the hem of His robe. 6:2 Seraphs were in more

  • The Knowledge Of God's Will

    Contributed by Amanda Wilson on Oct 20, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    An exploration of how we can know and live God’s will based on Colossians 1:4-14 and Psalm 73.

    Have you ever found yourself wondering what God wanted you to do in a particular situation? Have you ever found yourself doing what you thought was right only to see it apparrently go all wrong? Are you growing and learning what it means to do God’s will or do you find it all to confusing? When more

  • God Is Building God's Kingdom

    Contributed by Amanda Wilson on Aug 26, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon compares the building of the city of Babel in Genesis 11 with the building of the Kingdom of God as described in Acts 1-2 to demonstrate the requirements of building God’s kingdom.

    God Is Building God’s Kingdom Have you ever wanted to be part of a really unified community of people? Part of a community that planned and worked together to make something really significant? Part of a community that other people would look at and say, “Hey, I like what you’re doing – I want to more

  • Be As One

    Contributed by Amanda Wilson on May 2, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Have you ever wondered what God expects Jesus disciples to be? Do you know what Jesus saw as THE purpose of his mission here on earth? Do you know how Jesus planned keep your faith safe? Be as One is a sermon script based on Jesus prayer from John 17 whic

    When you were a child, did people ask you what you wanted to be when you grew up? And what did you answer? Is what you are now what you planned to be then? And if I asked you what is the primary thing that God wants his children to be what would your answer be? Perhaps loving, good, serving, a more

  • Faithfullness Results In Fruitfullness

    Contributed by Amanda Wilson on May 6, 2004
    based on 16 ratings

    A Mother’s day sermon on the faithfullness of Hannah.

    Have you ever had one thing that you really wanted to do in your life that seemed to be just out of your reach? Have you had one thing you really wanted to achieve only to watch the time for doing it sail on buy with no results? Have you ever found a major goal you had for yourself was just not more

  • Light In The Darkness: Jesus Power To Give.

    Contributed by Amanda Wilson on May 3, 2004
    based on 69 ratings

    Based on Isaiah 9:1-4 & Matt. 4:12-23 this discussess the use of power by Jesus with illustrations from the movies of Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and Pay it Forward.

    “There is no good or evil, just power and those too weak to use it.” If you have seen the movie or read the book of HP and the philosopher’s stone, then you will have heard that phrase. In a last ditch attempt to win Harry’s cooperation, the evil wizard Voldemort asserts “There is no good or evil, more