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  • How Many People Do Actually Try To Run Away From God? Series

    Contributed by Alexander Shaw on Oct 11, 2015

    Beware when you might consider it right to move in another direction!

    How Far Will Some People Go at Times to Run Away From God? We come to Jonah Chapter 1 and verse 3, where, having been called by God, and having been given a very real work to do, Jonah arose, and he begins to run away from God – disobedient and reluctant. He should have gone east – more

  • Might Temptation Appear In This Form? Series

    Contributed by Alexander Shaw on Oct 11, 2015

    Temptation can arise in various ways of which this is just one!

    Might This Temptation Arise In Man’s Mind? Last week I wrote a brief introduction to the book of Jonah. Today we move on, but do read and study the book of Jonah. It has many lessons to teach us about ourselves and about Almighty God, and do remember that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, more

  • The Significance Of The Book Of Jonah Series

    Contributed by Alexander Shaw on Oct 11, 2015

    What do you really make of the book of Jonah?

    Some weeks ago I was making a fresh study of the book of Jonah as it was the basis of the Bible Reading notes which our dear folk use. If you are a Pastor or Bible teacher I do hope you provide Bible reading notes, or Study Notes, for their daily use. We all need all the help that is more

  • As A Leader Are Your Eyes Clear And Wide Oopen?

    Contributed by Alexander Shaw on Oct 10, 2015

    Jesus would have us exercise loving non-judgmental leadership and bless those around us.

    As A Leader Are Your Eyes Clear And Wide Open? In Luke Chapter 6 at verse 37 Jesus had been speaking quite briefly, and simply, but obvious and challengingly, about giving. Last week’s piece dealt with that one verse. You can almost imagine these disciples sitting there listening in more