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In Video Illustrations: "funny church"

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  • Terry The Llama Church Invite

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Shift Worship

    Meet Terry. He’s a Llama. And he’s amazing at inviting people to your church. Use this fun animated mini-movie as a silly reminder to your community to invite more people to come with them to church. Great for kids, but adults will love Terry, too.

  • Josh And Steve - Church Invite

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Outreach, Inc.
    based on 16 ratings

    Let the invite guys help create an invite culture in your church! This hilarious invite video is one that people will not soon forget. Featuring Steve and Josh, they'll help people best know how to extend an invitation to church. Don't forget to check out Steve and Josh General Invite videos 2 and 3 - all of these go great together to show as a progression. Video is in MP4 format.

  • Josh And Steve - Church Invite

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Outreach, Inc.
    based on 20 ratings

    Let the invite guys help create an invite culture in your church! This hilarious invite video is one that people will not soon forget. Featuring Steve and Josh, they'll help people best know how to extend an invitation to church. Don't forget to check out Steve and Josh General Invite videos 1 and 3 - all of these go great together to show as a progression. Video is in MP4 format.

  • Josh And Steve - Church Invite

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Outreach, Inc.
    based on 19 ratings

    Let the invite guys help create an invite culture in your church! This hilarious invite video is one that people will not soon forget. Featuring Steve and Josh, they'll help people best know how to extend an invitation to church. Don't forget to check out Steve and Josh General Invite videos 1 and 2 - all of these go great together to show as a progression. Video is in MP4 format.

  • Easter Invite Caroling

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Skit Guys
    based on 1 rating

    Donning Easter costumes and singing "Easter carols" may not be the best way to invite a neighbor to your church's Easter service. This comical video will remind your congregation to reach out to someone and extend an invitation.

  • Awkward Invites: Say Anything

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Skit Guys
    based on 1 rating

    Inviting friends or neighbors to Church is great, but you have to do it the right way. Watch as Floyd Gobbler demonstrates that he will Say Anything to extend an invitation.

  • Awkward Invites: Golf Buddies

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Skit Guys
    based on 2 ratings

    A golf “announcer” finally gets an invite to church that he’s been waiting for, but it might cost the golfer the winning shot and lunch. Remember, inviting friends to church doesn’t have to be awkward.

  • Awkward Invites: The Weatherman

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Skit Guys

    Guilt and shame might get some people to church...but it's probably not the best approach. Use this awkward video to help promote inviting your neighbors to church.

  • Asking For A Friend: An Easter Invite

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Skit Guys
    based on 1 rating

    Inviting someone to your church's Easter service doesn't have to be a sweat-inducing, fear-filled experience. This lighthearted invite video will encourage your congregation to take the leap and ask someone to join them at church on Easter.

  • Awkward Invite: Bee Farm

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Skit Guys
    based on 1 rating

    Ted is given the choice to invite his neighbor to church or tend a colony of angry bees. Ted chooses the bees, and it doesn't go well. This awkward invite is a fun way to remind your congregation that inviting someone to church isn't painful, it's actually quite easy!

  • The Glory Of Christmas : Joel

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Skit Guys

    Joel is the director of the church’s production of “The Glory of Christmas.” He’s got the challenging job of holding together his team of rag-tag actors who portray the key characters from the Christmas story. His passion for telling the story of Jesus’ birth is contagious, even though the stress of the production overwhelms him at times. He inspires viewers to consider the nativity story. He asks them the all important question: “Are you willing to kneel at the manger and believe in the miracle of Christmas?” This video is part of the mockumentary-style series, “The Glory of Christmas.”

  • Awkward Easter Invite

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Skit Guys

    Frank and his family have no problem asking their neighbor for help with a picture...but it never crossed Frank’s mind to invite him to their church’s Easter services. Watch this get uncomfortable really fast.

  • The Glory Of Christmas: Joseph

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Skit Guys

    When a young man named Joseph is cast as Joseph in the church’s production of “The Glory of Christmas,” it quickly becomes clear that he has no idea what to do with babies. Ever the optimist, the director, Joel, gives him a few tools to help him learn about caretaking and fatherhood, and points out to Joseph that the man he is depicting from the Bible was also radically underqualified for what he was going to encounter. But God tends to use the most unlikely folks to do the biggest things, because He’s a God who never gives up on us. This video is part of the mockumentary-style series, “The Glory of Christmas.”

  • Awkward Easter Invite: Doorbell Disaster

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Skit Guys
    based on 1 rating

    Technology is great … especially when you can see who’s ringing your doorbell while looking at your phone! It’s not so great when you’re at church on Easter Sunday and your neighbor (and everyone around you) realizes you didn’t invite him! Don’t let Easter get awkward! This is a funny reminder for churches to use leading up to Easter services.

  • The Glory Of Christmas: Wise Man

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Skit Guys

    Tony comes across as a know-it-all to everyone else involved in the church’s production of “The Glory of Christmas.” He shares useless facts with everyone, but when he doesn’t know something, he gets “creative” with his answers. But Tony has the kind of heart that understands where the real treasures are, what they are, who they are, and he understands that the King of Kings came first as a lowly Servant. This video is part of the mockumentary-style series, “The Glory of Christmas.”

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