  • The Power Of Grace

    FreeBridge Media
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    Our journey isn’t always easy. We often find ourselves wandering through the same places, lost in the familiarity of our brokenness, caught in the sin that so easily entangles us. We turn corner after corner, looking for a way out. But we end up right back where we started. This is what sin does. It repeats itself over and over. An exhausting cycle that tries desperately to pull us away from God. That’s where grace comes in. Grace is a cycle breaker. It takes what was in the dark and showers it with light. It forges a path of forgiveness, showing us a way out of the shadows. If we confess our sin, God is faithful and just. He will forgive us, and He will cleanse us from all unrighteousness. That is the power of grace.

    Time: 1:32