Timotiyos I 4
1Now the Ruach HaKodesh says befeirush (explicitly) that in the acharit hayamim some will become meshummad (apostate) from the emunah [of Moshiach], giving heed to deceitful ruchot (spirits, 1Yn 4:1) and teachings of shedim,
2Through the tzevi'ut (hypocrisy) of ones [morei sheker] speaking sheker, the matzpun of whom is seared as with a branding iron.
3Such will forbid nisu'im (marriage), commanding an isser (prohibition) against that ma'akhal which Hashem created for partaking with hodayah by the ma'aminim in Moshiach and by the ones who have da'as of HaEmes,
4Because the whole Bri'ah (Creation) that Hashem has created is tov [BERESHIS 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31] and nothing is to be rejected that is received with hodayah.
5For it is being set apart as kodesh through the dvar Hashem and tefillos and brachot.
6By presenting these things to the Achim [in Moshiach] you will be a good k'li kodesh (minister) of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua/Yeshua [Zech 6:11-12; Ezra 3:8], you will be one nourished with the divrei haemunah and the torah yeshara (good, straight Orthodox Jewish teaching) which you have followed.
7But the worldly aggadot and bubbemeises (old wives tales), refuse. Rather, train yourself [1:4] for chasidus [in Moshiach].
8For hitammelut (bodily exercise or training) is kedai (profitable) a bissle, but chasidus [in Moshiach] is profitable in every way, holding havtachah (promise) of Chayyim now in the Olam Hazeh, and, later, of Olam Habah.
9This dvar torah is trustworthy and worthy of all acceptance.
10For to this end we labor and strive at the melachah (task), because we have set tikvateynu in the EL CHAI [YEHOSHUA 3:10] who is Moshi'a (Savior) of kol Bnei Adam, that is, the ma'aminim [in Moshiach Adoneinu].
11On these things insist and say shiurim.
12Let no one regard with contempt your tza'irut (youth), but become a mofet (example) for the ma'aminim [in Moshiach] in loshon (speech), in hitnahagut (conduct), in ahavah, in emunah, and in lev tahor.
13Until I come, attend to the kri'ah betzibbur (congregational public reading) of the Kitvei Hakodesh, attend to the Messianic hatafah (preaching) and to the Messianic hora'ah (instruction, teaching).
14Do not neglect the matanah (gift) in you which was given to you by means of dvar hanevu'ah (prophecy) with the s'michah administered by the Ziknei HaKehillah.
15Put these things into practice, that your progress in shomer masoret (religious devotion) may be manifest to all.
16Be shomer both toward yourself and toward your Messianic hora'ah (instruction), and be arain getun (engrossed), torud (completely absorbed and involved) in them. For by so doing this, you will come to Yeshu'at Eloheynu, and this means not only you yourself but also those who hear your hatafah [about Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach].