Tehillim 32
1(Of David. A maskil). Ashrei is he whose peysha (rebellion) is forgiven, whose chata'ah (sin) is covered.
2Ashrei is the adam unto whom Hashem imputeth not avon (iniquity), and in whose ruach there is no remiyyah (guile, deceit).
3When I kept silent
4For yomam valailah Thy yad was heavy upon me; my strength was sapped as by the droughts of kayitz (summer). Selah.
5I acknowledge my chattat unto Thee, and mine avon (iniquity) have I not covered up. I said, I will confess my peysha'im (rebellions) unto Hashem; and Thou forgavest the avon (iniquity) of my chattat. Selah.
6Therefore shall every Chasid pray unto Thee in a time when Thou mayest be found; surely in the floods of mayim rabbim they shall not overtake him.
7Thou art my seter (hiding place, shelter); Thou shalt preserve me from tzoros; Thou shalt envelop me with songs of deliverance. Selah.
8I will instruct thee and teach thee in the Derech which thou shalt go; I will counsel thee with Mine eye.
9Be ye not like the sus, or like the pered (mule), which have no binah; whose mouth must be harnassed with bit and bridle, else they come not near thee.
10Many sorrows shall be to the resha'im, but he that trusteth in Hashem, chesed shall envelop and cover him.
11Be glad in Hashem, and rejoice, ye tzaddikim; and shout for joy, all ye yishrei lev (upright in heart).