Tehillim 24
1(Mizmor of Dovid) Ha’aretz is Hashem’s, and the fullness thereof; the tevel (world), and they that dwell therein.
2For He hath founded it upon the yamim (seas), and established it upon the waters.
3Who shall ascend the Har Hashem? Or who shall stand in His Makom Kodesh?
4He that hath clean hands, and a bar levav (pure heart); who hath not lifted up his nefesh unto shahv (vanity), nor sworn l’mirmah (deceitfully).
5He shall receive the brocha (blessing) from Hashem, and tzedakah from Elohei Yisho (the G-d of his Salvation).
6This is the generation of them that seek Him, that seek Thy face, O Ya’akov. Selah.
7Lift up your heads, O ye she’arim; and be ye lifted up, ye Pitchei Olam (everlasting doorways); and Melech HaKavod shall come in.
8Who is this Melech HaKavod? Hashem strong and mighty, Hashem Gibbor Milchamah.
9Lift up your heads, O ye she’arim; even lift them up, ye Pitchei Olam; and Melech HaKavod shall come in.
10Who is this Melech HaKavod? Hashem Tzva’os, He is Melech HaKavod. Selah.