
Shir Hashirim 4

1Behold, thou art yafeh, my love; behold, thou art yafeh; thine eyes are yonim (doves) behind your veil; thy hair is like an eder (flock) of goats descending from Mount Gil`ad.

2Thy teeth are like an eder of sheep that are just shorn, coming up from washing; whereof every one is matched, and none is missing among them.

3Thy lips are like a thread of scarlet, and thy mouth is naveh (lovely); thy temple is like a half-pomegranate within thy veil.

4Thy tzavar (neck) is like the migdal Dovid girt with battlements, whereon there hang a thousand mogen [Dovid], all the shields of Gibborim.

5Thy two breasts are like two ofarim (fawns, young deer) that are twins, which graze among the lilies.

6Until HaYom (the day) break, and the shadows flee away, I will get me to the har hamor (mountain of myrrh), and to the hill of frank- incense.

7Thou art all yafeh, my love; there is no mum (blemish, spot, defect, flaw) in thee.

8Come with me from the Levanon, my kallah (bride), with me from the Levanon; come down from the heights of Amanah, from the top of Senir and Chermon, from the dens of the arayot (lions), from the hills of the nemerim (leopards).

9Thou hast ravished my lev, my sister, my kallah; thou hast ravished my lev with one of thy glances, with one link of thy necklace.

10How fair is thy love, my sister, my kallah! How much better is thy love than yayin! And the scent of thine perfumes than any spice!

11Thy lips, O my kallah, drip like the honeycomb; devash and cholov are under thy tongue; and the scent of thy garments is like the scent of the Levanon.

12A gan (garden) locked is my sister, my kallah; a spring enclosed, a ma'ayan (fountain) sealed.

13Thy plants are a pardeis (park, paradise) of pomegranates, with pleasant p’ri; henna with spikenard,

14Spikenard and saffron; calamus and cinnamon, with kol atzei levonah (all kinds of incense trees); myrrh and aloes, with all the finest spices:

15A na'yan (fountain) of gardens, a be'er (well) of mayim chayyim (well of living waters), and streams from the Levanon.

16Awake, O north wind; and come, thou south wind; blow upon my gan (garden), that the fragrances thereof may flow out. Let dodi (my beloved) come into his gan (garden), and let him taste its choice pri (fruits).