
Hoshea 3

1Then said Hashem unto me, Go again, love an isha (woman, wife) beloved of her re'a (friend, companion), yet a noefet (adulteress), just like the ahavat Hashem toward the Bnei Yisroel, who look to elohim acharim, and love heathen religion raisin cakes [Jeremiah 44:19].

2So I bought her to me for fifteen pieces of kesef, and for a chomer and a half of se'orim, [1K 1:18-19 ];

3And I said unto her, Thou shalt abide with me yamim rabbim and shalt not play the zonah, and thou shalt not be for another ish; and thus will I also towards thee.

4For the Bnei Yisroel shall abide yamim rabbim without a melech, and without a sar, and without a zevach, and without a matzevah (stone pillar, monument) and without an ephod (sacred vest used for consulting a deity), and without teraphim (household idols);

5Afterward shall the Bnei Yisroel return, and seek Hashem Eloheihem, and Dovid their melech i.e., Moshiach Only through G-d's Word can we know G-d's salvation (Psalm 119:81; 2 Tim 3:15). G-d's Son (Proverbs 30:4), the source of revelation (Proverbs 30:3-5) and love (Proverbs 8:17), functioned as an Amon (Craftsman, master builder, Proverbs 8:30) or Creative Wisdom at His side as the source of creativity (Proverbs 8:12; 8:22; 8:30) and love (Proverbs 8:17). And this Son of G-d took on flesh as the Son of G-d Messiah (Psalm 2:7; 1 Chronicles 17:13; Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 9:5-6), David's L-rd (Psalm 110:1). And whoever calls on the Name of the L-rd will be saved (Joel 2:32). G-d's Word, His Son, incarnated as the Son of G-d Messiah, has a prophesied Name. His prophesied Name is Yeshua given through Messiah's Namesake Yeshua the High Priest who made the kaporah in 516 BCE ending the Golus (Exile) of abandonment from G-d (Isaiah 54:7) lasting 70 years from 586 BCE to 516 BCE. Yeshua is the Kohen after the order of Melki-Tzedek (Ps 110:4) who in his abandonment (Matthew 27:46) made the kaporah ending our Exile from G-d, our exile of sin and death (Matt. 1:12-17).; and shall fear Hashem and His goodness in the acharit hayamim (last days).