Proverbs 20
1Wine produces mockers; alcohol leads to brawls.
2The king’s fury is like a lion’s roar;
3Avoiding a fight is a mark of honor;
4Those too lazy to plow in the right season
5Though good advice lies deep within the heart,
6Many will say they are loyal friends,
7The godly walk with integrity;
8When a king sits in judgment, he weighs all the evidence,
9Who can say, “I have cleansed my heart;
10False weights and unequal measures
11Even children are known by the way they act,
12Ears to hear and eyes to see—
13If you love sleep, you will end in poverty.
14The buyer haggles over the price, saying, “It’s worthless,”
15Wise words are more valuable
16Get security from someone who guarantees a stranger’s debt.
17Stolen bread tastes sweet,
18Plans succeed through good counsel;
19A gossip goes around telling secrets,
20If you insult your father or mother,
21An inheritance obtained too early in life
22Don’t say, “I will get even for this wrong.”
23The LORD detests double standards;
24The LORD directs our steps,
25Don’t trap yourself by making a rash promise to God
26A wise king scatters the wicked like wheat,
27The LORD’s light penetrates the human spirit,
28Unfailing love and faithfulness protect the king;
29The glory of the young is their strength;
30Physical punishment cleanses away evil;