Proverbs 19
1Better to be poor and honest
2Enthusiasm without knowledge is no good;
3People ruin their lives by their own foolishness
4Wealth makes many “friends”;
5A false witness will not go unpunished,
6Many seek favors from a ruler;
7The relatives of the poor despise them;
8To acquire wisdom is to love oneself;
9A false witness will not go unpunished,
10It isn’t right for a fool to live in luxury
11Sensible people control their temper;
12The king’s anger is like a lion’s roar,
13A foolish child
14Fathers can give their sons an inheritance of houses and wealth,
15Lazy people sleep soundly,
16Keep the commandments and keep your life;
17If you help the poor, you are lending to the LORD—
18Discipline your children while there is hope.
19Hot-tempered people must pay the penalty.
20Get all the advice and instruction you can,
21You can make many plans,
22Loyalty makes a person attractive.
23Fear of the LORD leads to life,
24Lazy people take food in their hand
25If you punish a mocker, the simpleminded will learn a lesson;
26Children who mistreat their father or chase away their mother
27If you stop listening to instruction, my child,
28A corrupt witness makes a mockery of justice;
29Punishment is made for mockers,