Proverbs 21
1In the LORD ’s hand the king’s heart is like a stream of water. The LORD directs it toward all those who please him.
2A person might think their own ways are right. But the LORD knows what they are thinking.
3Do what is right and fair. The LORD accepts that more than sacrifices.
4The proud eyes and hearts of sinful people are like a field not plowed. Those things produce nothing good.
5The plans of people who work hard succeed. You can be just as sure that those in a hurry will become poor.
6A fortune made by people who tell lies amounts to nothing and leads to death.
7The harmful things that evil people do will drag them away. They refuse to do what is right.
8The path of those who are guilty is crooked. But the conduct of those who are not guilty is honest.
9It is better to live on a corner of a roof than to share a house with a nagging wife.
10Sinful people long to do evil. They don’t show their neighbors any mercy.
11When you punish someone who makes fun of others, childish people get wise. By paying attention to wise people, the childish get knowledge.
12The Blameless One knows where sinners live. And he destroys them.
13Whoever refuses to listen to the cries of poor people will also cry out and not be answered.
14A secret gift calms down anger. A hidden favor softens great anger.
15When you do what is fair, you make godly people glad. But you terrify those who do what is evil.
16Whoever leaves the path of understanding ends up with those who are dead.
17Anyone who loves pleasure will become poor. Anyone who loves wine and olive oil will never be rich.
18Evil people become the payment for setting godly people free. Those who aren’t faithful are the payment for honest people.
19It is better to live in a desert than to live with a nagging wife who loves to argue.
20Wise people store up the best food and olive oil. But foolish people eat up everything they have.
21Anyone who wants to be godly and loving finds life, success and honor.
22A wise person can attack a strong city. They can pull down the place of safety its people trust in.
23Those who are careful about what they say keep themselves out of trouble.
24A proud person is called a mocker. He thinks much too highly of himself.
25Some people will die while they are still hungry. That’s because their hands refuse to work.
26All day long they hunger for more. But godly people give without holding back.
27God hates sacrifices that are brought by evil people. He hates it even more when they bring them for the wrong reason.
28Witnesses who aren’t honest will die. But anyone who listens carefully will be a successful witness.
29Sinful people try to look as if they were bold. But honest people think about how they live.
30No wisdom, wise saying or plan can succeed against the LORD . 31You can prepare a horse for the day of battle. But the power to win comes from the LORD .