Job 23
Job’s Reply 1Job replied,
2“Even today my problems are more than I can handle. In spite of my groans, God’s hand is heavy on me.
3I wish I knew where I could find him! I wish I could go to the place where he lives!
4I would state my case to him. I’d give him all my arguments.
5I’d find out what his answers would be. I’d think about what he would say to me.
6Would he strongly oppose me? No. He wouldn’t bring charges against me.
7There honest people can prove to him they’re not guilty. There my Judge would tell me once and for all that I’m not guilty.
8“But if I go to the east, God isn’t there. If I go to the west, I don’t find him.
9When he’s working in the north, I don’t see him there. When he turns to the south, I don’t see him there either.
10But he knows every step I take. When he has tested me, I’ll come out as pure as gold.
11My feet have closely followed his steps. I’ve stayed on his path without turning away.
12I haven’t disobeyed his commands. I’ve treasured his words more than my daily bread.
13“But he’s the only God. Who can oppose him? He does anything he wants to do.
14He carries out his plans against me. And he still has many other plans just like them.
15That’s why I’m so terrified. When I think about all of this, I’m afraid of him.
16God has made my heart weak. The Mighty One has filled me with terror. 17But even the darkness of death won’t make me silent. When the darkness of the grave covers my face, I won’t be quiet.