By Jeff Medders on Nov 16, 2022
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"I want to encourage every pastor reading this to keep preaching the gospel. Week in. Week out. Keep exalting, heralding, and lifting up our crucified Savior, risen from the dead, reigning in Heaven, saving all who will look to him and believe."
By Randy Alcorn on Aug 30, 2022
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It’s true that we can’t make ourselves happy in God any more than a seed can make itself grow. But we’re not just seeds. We’re greenhouse farmers who can make sure the seed is planted, watered, and fertilized.
By SermonCentral on Oct 5, 2024
Today, more than ever, the world needs godly leaders who follow Christ wholeheartedly. Here are 15 leadership sermon and worship resources you can use today, including sermons from Andy Stanley, Chuck Swindoll, Wayne Cordeiro, Larry Osborne, and more.
By Carey Nieuwhof on Jan 13, 2021
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Preaching is one of the most demanding tasks required of communicators.
You’re not just giving a ‘talk,’ you’re communicating the Word of God—faithfully (you trust). And you do this in front of groups of people who have more communication options and sources than at any point in human history.
Not an easy task.
By Lisa Eifert on May 15, 2024
What strikes simultaneous fear and joy in the hearts of church staff and volunteers this time of year? Yep, you guessed it, Vacation Bible School (VBS). Anyone who has been a part of planning VBS knows the vast amount of time, resources and imagination that go into making these events memorable experiences for kids.
By Joe Mckeever on Jun 7, 2023
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Show me a Christian who can please God better alone than with other believers and I’ll show you a one-of-a-kind, something never before seen on planet Earth. The Lord thought you and I would be needing each other, so placed us in a church fellowship when He saved us.
By Lance Witt on Jul 26, 2023
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The truth is those of us in ministry often don’t do the friendship thing very well. One survey among pastors found that 70 percent do not have a close friend, confidant, or mentor. Henri Nouwen wrote, “Most Christian leadership is exercised by people who do not know how to develop healthy, intimate relationships.” What an indictment.
By Dr. Michael Horton on Jun 1, 2021
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Who exactly is the mysterious third person of the Trinity? Why does he seem to possess less reality than the Father and the Son? Perhaps we think of the Holy Spirit as a divine force or energy that we can “plug into” for spiritual power. Or as the kinder and gentler—more intimate—side of God. But a person—in fact, a distinct person of the Godhead?
By Josh Reich on Jun 20, 2022
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Let’s face it, when someone hurts us, we can brush it off and often move on. We can be tough, ignore it, deal with it or get even (although that rarely helps), but something changes when it is our spouse, kids, a close friend or a family member who is hurt. We feel powerless in that moment.
By Ron Edmondson on Jun 4, 2024
"I try to never appoint or release a team to do work until we make sure a leader is chosen. They can choose their own leader, we can appoint one for them, or they may even have co-leadership, but there needs to be someone who has the assigned task of steering, motivating and leading the team to accomplish it’s mission."
By Charles Stone on Sep 28, 2022
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"Discouragement is a universal experience for ministry leaders and the word actually self-defines itself…dis-courage meaning no courage. Some of the Bible’s greatest characters faced it: Moses, David, Paul, Mary the mother of Jesus, and the apostles. Nehemiah, the great Old Testament leader faced it when he led the Jews to rebuild the wall. Yet, his response offers us hope when we face it."
By Dan Reiland on Aug 6, 2022
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Leaders who are fully engaged in their mission fight battles. There is no way to avoid battles if you want to make progress consistently. New territory is never easy, and it always comes at a price. Life never grants a free ride, and leaders don’t receive a “get out of jail free” card when it comes to solving serious problems. The good news is that we don’t fight alone.
By Lance Witt on Jul 6, 2023
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Respect is a big deal to me. I am so blessed to have a wife who has always affirmed her respect for me. I can’t begin to tell you how life-giving that has been. Through the years as a pastor, the most consistent message I have given to wives is this…”Your husband can do without a lot of things, but the ONE thing he cannot do without is RESPECT.” It’s not just true in marriage, it is also true in leadership.
By Ron Edmondson on Aug 1, 2022
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One of the hardest things I do in ministry is interact with those who are no longer in ministry, but wish they were. They’ve been derailed. They messed up and either they got caught or the guilt got the best of them and they confessed. Watching this process over the years there appear to be some common reasons failure occurs. It doesn’t start at the failure. It starts months – and, perhaps years – prior. My hope is if we expose some of them we can catch a few people before it is too late.