By SermonCentral on Jan 11, 2020
Does your misery love company? Come sit next to Thom Rainer a while.
By Charles Stone on Jan 4, 2024
Reinforce Life Application is the final instalment of an 8 part series on how neuroscience can improve your preaching.
By SermonCentral on Sep 2, 2022
based on 1 rating
The great tragedy of the universe is that while human beings were made to glorify God because of who they are and what they see, we have all fallen short of this purpose.
By David Whiting on Dec 24, 2021
based on 4 ratings
Pastors and church leaders often receive anonymous comments, mysteriously appearing in the church office,the offering plate, or the “comments” section of the Sunday communication card.A few years ago, I stopped reading them. They don’t even get passed onto me. Asa church leader, I recommend that you do the same thing.
By Carey Nieuwhof on Aug 9, 2023
based on 3 ratings
What if this one generation actually just sacrificed for the sake of another? What if they gave up their preferences in music, style and taste so that others could come to know Christ?
By Charles Stone on Nov 26, 2019
Hurry is an enemy of learning. Leaders
are always looking ahead for the next hill to climb. But sometimes we
must pause and make ourselves fully present in the moment so we don't
miss God's subtle, but important lessons.
By Lance Witt on Feb 2, 2021
based on 3 ratings
Imagine a day in your future. You are now seventy or seventy-five, and the pace of life has slowed. You get up early in the morning and sit in your favorite chair with a cup of coffee. The house is still and silent. No one is there but you and God and your thoughts.
By Walter Wangerin Jr. on May 1, 2020
On the night before I preach, I pace—back and forth in my room, mumbling sermonic thoughts, testing them, scorning a hundred thoughts, exulting in one or two that shine like coin, investing those.