By Sherman Haywood Cox on Aug 8, 2020
based on 31 ratings
We like to think we're beyond outside influence, but there are hot-buttons in every church that could take away your pulpit voice.
By Charles Stone on Dec 11, 2023
Discouragement comes with the territory for ministry leaders. Unmet goals, putting out fires, staff issues, displeasing people, and general tiredness all contribute to discouragement. When it weighs us down, how can we dig out? The life of the prophet Elijah gives us hope.
By SermonCentral on Apr 20, 2021
based on 2 ratings
The church has often, intentionally or not, been branded as a community of people who are angry and therefore are against everything not church-y. This is especially true when we so vocally voice our protests and gang up to boycott every business that doesn’t look conservative-Christian-friendly enough.
I’ve listened to too much lately. From all sides. Some opinions I agree with and others I don’t, but what I’ve concluded is ultimately this: If I’m going to be known or listened to, I want it to be because of what I’m FOR, not what I’m against.