By Charles Stone on Dec 13, 2021
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The ‘measure up mentality’ can suck the joy out of ministry. By applying a few simple ideas, you can stay positive and encouraged in your ministry even when you feel you don’t measure up in the eyes of others.
By Charles Stone on Dec 11, 2023
Discouragement comes with the territory for ministry leaders. Unmet goals, putting out fires, staff issues, displeasing people, and general tiredness all contribute to discouragement. When it weighs us down, how can we dig out? The life of the prophet Elijah gives us hope.
By SermonCentral on Aug 23, 2022
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I would not exchange any of my discipline-afflictions for anything. In fact, I have made it a habit to keep asking God to discipline me. This isn’t because I love affliction, but because the hope in God I’ve tasted in the promises of God I’ve trusted in the darkest days are the sweetest things my soul has ever known.
By Lisa Eifert on May 15, 2024
What strikes simultaneous fear and joy in the hearts of church staff and volunteers this time of year? Yep, you guessed it, Vacation Bible School (VBS). Anyone who has been a part of planning VBS knows the vast amount of time, resources and imagination that go into making these events memorable experiences for kids.
By Michael Reeves on Oct 18, 2022
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Through the Reformation, a tidal wave of social and cultural improvement was unleashed.