By Duncan Hamilton on Mar 26, 2024
For all of us it can be difficult to grasp a sense of something when it is actually happening; often comprehension comes only when it is over. Not, though, for Eric Liddell. He could always identify precisely when his life changed forever. It was April 6, 1923. The time was shortly after 9pm. On that day and during that hour, Liddell became a public speaker for God.
By Duncan Hamilton on Apr 16, 2024
Two years ago I travelled China’s Shandong Provence; specifically to the city that Eric Liddell knew as Weihsien and which is now called Weifang. I walked around the site of the camp where he died of a brain tumour six months before the Second World War ended. The earth that held him during that war holds him still. No one can identify where Liddell was buried. So, instead of a grave, he has a monument – an enormous slab of rose granite shipped from the Isle of Mull in the Hebrides.
By Josh Reich on Nov 23, 2022
based on 2 ratings
"The number one complaint I hear from people is, “I don’t have time. I don’t have time for hobbies, sleep, my marriage, relationships, kids, reading my Bible.” You do, you just gave that time away. You give your time to the things that matter most."
By Marshall Segal on Dec 20, 2021
based on 5 ratings
What captivates your heart more: what God does through you, or what he has done for you?
By SermonCentral on Jan 15, 2022
based on 3 ratings
From Genesis to Revelation, we find a consistent element present in the lives of persevering saints of God. And it is captured in this brief sentence in Psalm 119:67: “Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep your word.”
By Carey Nieuwhof on Aug 9, 2023
based on 3 ratings
What if this one generation actually just sacrificed for the sake of another? What if they gave up their preferences in music, style and taste so that others could come to know Christ?
By Steve Smith on Apr 11, 2022
based on 1 rating
These are turbulent times indeed. And our sponge like souls have soaked in a great deal of toxins. The remedy is not as complicated as we might have thought.