By Brandon Kelley on Jul 4, 2022
based on 1 rating
Do you want more people to walk away from the church gathering and actually remember the big idea from your sermon? Of course you do. Who wouldn’t?
By Lance Witt on Jan 3, 2022
based on 3 ratings
Every single week people walk into your church and for the most part they seem to have it together. They make small talk, they dress appropriately, they participate congenially, they listen politely, and at the end of the service they file out quietly.
By Rick Ezell on Nov 3, 2021
based on 20 ratings
You may be the most skilled preacher and your church may have excellent small groups or the best children’s ministry in the city, but your first-time guests will never know unless they make a second or third visit.
By Peter Walters on Jan 2, 2024
based on 6 ratings
There are many reasons why Pastors shy away from knowing what each member gives but let me give you 2 of the big ones. Still, there are 6 things every pastor should know.
By Ron Edmondson on Jul 7, 2020
based on 20 ratings
Ron Edmondson: "It seems every day we hear of another big name celebrity, politician, or pastor who has fallen into the temptation of lust and had an affair. I think it is dangerous for any leader to assume this could never happen to him or her."
By Joe Hoagland on Feb 20, 2021
based on 2 ratings
When it comes to the art of preaching improvisation can play a big role, just like in music. Here at Rookie Preacher we advocate for a tight, well put together structure. But, that doesn’t mean you need to have every word memorized.
By Randy Alcorn on Dec 9, 2022
based on 3 ratings
The God of providence weaves millions of details into our lives and into all the lives around us. Maybe He doesn’t have one big reason for bringing a certain person or success or failure or disease or accident into our lives; in fact, He may have hundreds of little reasons. In order to understand God’s explanations, we would have to be God.
By Lisa Eifert on May 16, 2024
Getting kids to VBS is big step. It’s a great way to help kids during the vulnerable summer months and introduce new families to your church. Communication and promotion are key steps to ensuring your church reaches as many kids as possible. There’s a lot that can be done to promote it so remember to call on your teens and a powerful group message service like One Call Now.
By Lance Witt on Jul 6, 2023
based on 1 rating
Respect is a big deal to me. I am so blessed to have a wife who has always affirmed her respect for me. I can’t begin to tell you how life-giving that has been. Through the years as a pastor, the most consistent message I have given to wives is this…”Your husband can do without a lot of things, but the ONE thing he cannot do without is RESPECT.” It’s not just true in marriage, it is also true in leadership.