By Maurilio Amorim on May 15, 2020
Maurillo Amorim: "I hope we are not creating a culture that encourages people to be authentic about their sins but excuses them from doing the hard work of making things right."
By Josh Reich on Dec 21, 2023
An extra service this week doesn't have to be a chore: it just has to be authentic.
By Garrett Kell on Apr 20, 2022
based on 5 ratings
Christians are uniquely equipped to thrive in tumultuous times, not because we are great, but because our God is.
By Philip Holmes on May 4, 2021
based on 1 rating
“The reason elders are so necessary,” says Sanchez, “is because they are the means by which our sovereign king chooses to shepherd his church to display his kingdom on earth in local churches as embassies of heaven, and also to proclaim the message of the gospel, calling all people everywhere to repent and believe and enter into the kingdom. Elders shepherd the flock of God among them, under the chief Shepherd. That’s why elders are important, because it is our ascended Lord’s chosen means by which he shepherds his church.”
By Ron Edmondson on Apr 13, 2021
based on 2 ratings
I have a heart for leaders. Especially church leaders. I’d love to help others learn from my mistakes. In fact, this is a huge motivation for this blog and a lot of my ministry.
With this in mind, I want to share a few things I’ve learned over the years. I hope it proves helpful.