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Sermons on 1 Peter 4:

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  • Dying To Self

    Contributed by Joe Rowland on Feb 2, 2009
    based on 11 ratings

    Have you ever found it hard to give to what you want to do? Most people will do what they want and forget what the Word of God says to do. We have to learn to die to self. We need to learn to walk in the Spirit that we do not fulfill the lust of the flesh

    Dying To Self 1 Peter 4:1-4 1 Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; 2 That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will more

  • Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Jan 31, 2009
    based on 34 ratings

    God has given everyone spiritual gifts. Our job is to discover and develop those gifts so that we can be a blessing to others.

    DISCOVERING YOUR SPIRITUAL GIFTS OPENING TEXT: “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we more

  • Being Armed With The Right Attitude

    Contributed by Rusty Tardo on Jan 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Every The Christian is "called to arms." This outline develops one aspect of that call, the call to be armed with a right attitude.

    Being Armed with the Right Attitude Dr. Russell K. Tardo Being Armed with the Right Attitude 1Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin. 2That he no longer should live more

  • How Can I Rejoice While Suffering? Series

    Contributed by Chad Bolfa on Nov 24, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Peter is going to challenge us to keep five important facts in mind as they pertain to rejoicing while suffering. We will answer the question today, “How can I rejoice while suffering?”

    How can I rejoice while Suffering? 1 Peter 4:12-19 Introduction Dr. Adrian Rogers has said that “A faith not worth testing is a faith that is not worth trusting.” It is a simple fact that no one is immune from pain and suffering in this life. Whether we are rich or poor, educated or unlearned, more

  • "Trusting God In The Midst Of Suffering”

    Contributed by John Harper on Nov 11, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    When you suffer know that the Lord is watching, and He will turn it around for good

    I Peter 4:12-19 October 8, 2008 Pastor John L. Harper “Trusting God in the midst of suffering” I. (vs. 12-13) Suffering Should be Considered as a Reason for Joy A. Don’t be surprised 1. Like something is strange and abnormal 2. When a fiery trial comes upon you B. Don’t Grumble, but more

  • "Being Like Christ”

    Contributed by John Harper on Nov 11, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The more we are like Christ, the more we are living in Him.

    I Peter 4:1-11 September 24, 2008 Pastor John L. Harper “Being Like Christ” Introduction: I. (vs. 1-2) Think Like Christ A. Christ suffered in the flesh 1. Let us arm ourselves with the same mind 2. Let us allow the Lord to work out suffering in our lives B. Christ suffered in the flesh for more

  • Live Like There Is No Tomorrow! Series

    Contributed by Chad Bolfa on Oct 23, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    How can we live like there is no tomorrow? Today the apostle Peter is going to answer that question by reminding us to keep doing four things to be sure that we won’t be ashamed when the end does come.

    Live like there is no tomorrow! Am October 19th 2008 1 Peter 4:7-11 Introduction Some years ago Willie Day Smith, a Dallas radio preacher, made a startling announcement: the rapture was to occur on April 1, 1980, around two o’clock in the afternoon. Smith was quoted as saying: “Things are coming more

  • We Must Arm Ourselves For Battle! Series

    Contributed by Chad Bolfa on Oct 23, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The apostle Peter provides us as believers with four perspectives motivating us to be strong when living out our Christian lives.

    We must Arm Ourselves for battle! 1 Peter 4:1-6 Introduction I read this news article on the internet as I was preparing this sermon this is exactly what the article read: When 53-year-old Danny Anderson was feeding his horses Monday night, a 5-foot rattler slithered onto his central Washington more

  • Hold On And Endure With Confidence - A Short Devotional

    Contributed by William Akehurst on Oct 22, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    Economic depression, Change in the Air. We need to ENDURE and be FAITHful and TRUSTing unto the LORD our GOD, continuing to DO what is RIGHT, no matter what our lot.

    HOLD ON and ENDURE with CONFIDENCE - a short devotional By William Akehurst, HSWC Devotional We need to endure and be faithful and trusting unto the LORD our GOD, continuing to do what is right, no matter what our lot. Scriptures Referenced 1 Peter 4:19 Revelations 13:10 Psalm 16:1-11 Psalm more

  • Empowered To Engage Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Eyriche Cortez on Oct 15, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    God has empowered each one of us to engage so that we can express love to one another and so that we can exalt Him.

    The Beijing Olympics has come and gone. Sadly, our athletes did not win a single medal, let alone a gold medal. Yes, we won a gold medal in Wushu. But it did not affect our medal standing because it is just a demonstration event. I am not putting down our athletes. They tried to compete against all more

  • Suffering For Doing The Right Thing Series

    Contributed by Steve Smith on Oct 14, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    A call to do the right thing even when that choice brings suffering. Just as Christ was willing to suffer for our good, we should be willing suffer for doing good toward others.

    INTRODUCTION A. Every Christian who lives a godly life experiences a certain amount of persecution. - A Teenager is shunned for being a Christian. (Peer Pressure, sex, cheating,) - An Employee may not advance if not willing to take advantage of another. - An Individual may not be invited to a party more

  • What Is Your Lifestyle Series

    Contributed by Steve Smith on Oct 14, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A look at the lifestyle a Christian should have and how the church has such a tremendous role to prepare us for the world and it’s ways.

    ILLUSTRATION: JUDGE NOT . . . A small-town prosecuting attorney called his first potential juror to the stand in a trial -- a grand-motherly, elderly woman. He approached her and asked, "Mrs. Williams, do you know me?" She responded, "Why, yes, I do know you, Mr. Bryant. I’ve known you since more

  • We Have A Purpose (Part 2) Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Oct 14, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    We need to discover our specific SHAPE so that we will know what kinds of service God has ordained for us.

    A. The story is told of a little boy named Johnny who had trouble pronouncing the letter “R”. 1. To try to help him with the problem, his teacher gave him this sentence to practice at home: “Robert gave Richard a rap in the rib for roasting the rabbit so rare.” 2. A few days later the teacher more

  • Trials Of Life - A Blessing

    Contributed by Selvan John on Sep 22, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Trials are common but these trials are surely a blessing for them that love God. Do you love God, do you see trials in life a blessing? Check it out...

    Trials of Life – a Blessing Over the last few days I was frustrated over many things due to various reasons on all fronts especially on the ministerial end because the genuine people do not go any far but those false prophets and those who take people on a magic spell get the popularity. Looking more

  • The Family Of God

    Contributed by Matthew Sickling on Sep 15, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon discusses the importance of loving one another, supporting one another and caring about one another as members of the family of God.

    Title: The Family of God Text: 1 Peter 4:7-17 (16) Date: 8/2/08 Location: Sulphur Spring Baptist Church We sometimes use the phrase the family of God to refer to the church. I want us to read a passage of Scripture this morning that actually uses that phrase to describe those of us who are more

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