Sermon Series

Created for Significance

5-Week Sermon Series

Preach this series from Luke 14-16 and watch eyes light up in your church as people glimpse the true mission of God in reaching the world with the Gospel.

Are You Really Living?

This 5-week series invites your church to journey from a life centered on themselves, to the life God created us to live, a life of eternal meaning and inalienable significance.

This sermon series kit includes:

  • 5 Customizable Sermons
  • 7 Sermon Videos, Motions, and Countdowns
  • 5 Promotional Images for Social Media
  • Promotional Video (Share it on Facebook)
  • 5 Presentation Slide Decks
  • Sermon Series Planning Guide (Download Free Sample)
Title Scripture Preview
Week 1: What's My Purpose? Luke 14:1-24 Download Sermon Preview
Week 2: What Matters to God? Luke 15:1-11
Week 3: Measuring Your Worth in God's Eyes Luke 15:11-31
Week 4: How to Invest Your One and Only Life Luke 16:1-13
Week 5: A Look at the Life to Come Luke 16:19-31

Living with Significance

This series features the radically-controversial parables of Jesus. Your congregation will discover the profound truths of Jesus' teachings, transforming their lives with a renewed sense of purpose and divine calling.
Unlock all series with PRO Premium.

Resources For All

All sermons are ready for you to customize and make your own. All media is specifically created to connect your audience to the message.

Help your congregation invite their friends and neighbors to be a part of this life-changing series. Share these social media graphics on Facebook, Instagram, or even through email or SMS text.