Sermon Series
  • 1. What's In A Name?

    Contributed on Mar 4, 2004
    based on 8 ratings

    Third message in a series called "What if They’re Wrong?" Describes how we misuse God’s name and addresses other names that reveal God’s character.

    What If They’re Wrong Series Exodus 20:7 "What’s In A Name?" We’re in the third week of a series entitled "What If They’re Wrong." In this series we’re looking at the Ten Commandments and comparing what God says with what our culture says. Our culture isn’t always completely truthful. more

  • 2. But It's My Day Off!!

    Contributed on Mar 4, 2004
    based on 16 ratings

    Describes two type of work ethic prominent in our society today and how each of them tempts us to violate the 4th commandment.

    What If They’re Wrong Series Exodus 20:8-11 “But It’s My Day Off” It’s a fact of Scripture that we don’t have to observe the Sabbath. The reason we don’t have to is that we are not Hebrew. The Bible says, "The Israelites are to observe the Sabbath, celebrating it for the generations to more

  • 3. Planned Parenthood

    Contributed on Jan 5, 2008

    Talks about the lack of respect for parents so prevalent in our society today and steps for regaining their respect.

    What If They’re Wrong Series Exodus 20:12 “Planned Parenthood” We’ve been looking at the Ten Commandments in a series called "What If They’re Wrong." So far we’ve looked at the first four Commandments. These first four Commandments deal with our relationship with God. Once Jesus was more

  • 4. One Life To Live

    Contributed on Jan 5, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Talks about how we truly disregard human life.

    What If They’re Wrong Series Exodus 20:13 One Life To Live In Chicago a few years ago, 2 boys, ages 9 and 11, held a 5 year old boy out of a 5th story apartment window. They told him that they would drop him if he didn’t give them his candy. He didn’t - they did. He fell 5 stories to more

  • 5. Fatal Attraction

    Contributed on Jan 5, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    The Bible has much to say about the topic of sex. Our culture also has lots to say about sex...and the two do not agree.

    What If They’re Wrong Series Exodus 20:14 "Fatal Attraction" Today we’re talking about the Seventh Commandment, "You shall not commit adultery." • I read a true story about a pastor who was leading a Bible study on faith and obedience. Abraham and Sarah were cited as Old Testament more

  • 6. It's Really Mine

    Contributed on Jan 5, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Could it be we’ve bought into the cultural lie that says sometimes taking things from others isn’t stealing?

    What If They’re Wrong Series Exodus 20:15 “It’s Really Mine” • Once a man wanted to rob a downtown Bank of America. He walked into the branch and, on a deposit slip, wrote "this iz a stikkup. put all your muny in this bag." While he was in line waiting to give the note to the teller, he more

  • 7. Truth Or Consequences

    Contributed on Jan 5, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The 9th commandment is a specific warning against perjury (lying in legal proceedings) but there’s a principle in this commandment that we often overlook: that we are to be men and women of integrity.

    What If They’re Wrong Series Exodus 20:16 "Truth or Consequences" We’ve been looking at the Ten Commandments for the past few weeks. We’ve compared each of them to the wisdom of our day and found that in every case, our conventional wisdom falls woefully short in providing us with any more

  • 8. How To Be Happy With What You Have

    Contributed on Jan 5, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Our culture is constantly telling us a big lie: "More will satisfy."

    What If They’re Wrong Series Exodus 20:17 "How To Be Happy With What You Have" Today we’re looking at the last of the Ten Commandments "You shall not covet your neighbour’s house. You shall not covet your neighbour’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything more