Sermon Series
  • 1. Serving Jesus' Way

    Contributed on Aug 29, 2022

    When Jesus washed the feet of the disciples, he broke cultural conventions but also provided an example for his followers to emulate.

    Surprised by Underwhelming Expectations I rarely introduce myself as Pastor. It’s not that I don’t want people to know the role I play, but I don’t want my title to become a barrier. Sure, it may open some conversations, but it may also hinder others as people might think I’m some holy man - more

  • 2. Fully Alive By Faith

    Contributed on Jan 9, 2023

    The Gospel of John was written with a specific purpose. This brief overview of the book will serve as an introduction to our study of the entire book over the next several sermons.

    Who is Jesus? Who does the world say Jesus is? who do you believe Jesus is? Near the end of his Gospel, John clearly delineates the purpose or premise of his account of the life of Jesus. John 20:30–31 ESV Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not more

  • 3. Prologue

    Contributed on Jan 9, 2023

    John's introduction to his Gospel beautifully and artfully lays the foundation for the rest of his book as he provides insight into the nature, work and witness of the Word - Jesus Christ!

    What is a prologue? If we were to take that apart, it divides neatly into two words pro- meaning before logos - meaning word or saying So, in a very real sense, a prologue is a word that happens beforehand - a fore-word Composers, Filmmakers, and Authors alike have utilized preludes, more

  • 4. Nobody, Somebody, Everybody

    Contributed on Jun 19, 2023

    If John the Baptist was on social media, what would he post? What would he share about himself? He might truly resonate with the song by Casting Crowns - "Nobody, Somebody, Everybody."

    I’m not very good at social media, but you probably already know that if you’re on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. I don’t post very often - except to give away bread. When I do, I don’t take very good pictures - in fact I sometimes re-do old pictures - especially of bread. I suppose in some more

  • 5. The First Disciples

    Contributed on Jun 19, 2023

    As Jesus begins his ministry, he calls out several men to follow him. This sermon considers the first disciples that Jesus calls.

    We all like to follow someone at various times in our lives. We may be motivated by curiosity, fear, ambition, knowledge, information. Sometimes our following is a simple and non-committed social media follow - we might just want to be in the know. Other times our following results in a certain more

  • 6. The Wedding At Cana

    Contributed on Jun 19, 2023

    Jesus' sign of turning the water to wine reveals a bit of how he addresses our earthly and eternal needs.

    Introduction I have a problem. I don’t like things on my hands. As a result I wash my hands too often when I’m cooking. Now, you may not see that as a problem, after all, cross contamination of various foods is never good. But I do. The other day, Danielle and I were preparing dinner together. more