Sermon Series
  • 1. Promises, Promises

    Contributed on Jun 11, 2011

    The system of sexual morality which begins with God operates on three levels, in three dimensions. First it binds the individual, then the couple, and finally the entire society. And each dimension reflects something of the nature of our Creator.

    So what is all this fuss over marriage about, anyway? And why shouldn’t any two people who love each other be given the blessing of church and state? Come to think of it, why should it be limited to two people? After all, David had any number of wives, at least 8 that we know of not more

  • 2. Change Agents

    Contributed on Nov 24, 2022

    Salt goes into the body. It is necessary, and good, and contributes to the health of the body. It changes the body – for a time. But for lasting change to occur something has to go into the mind and heart as well. And that is where light comes in.

    How many of you keep a watch on how much salt you eat, buying the low-sodium versions of things like canned soup and cold cuts and avoiding high-sodium treats like pizza and potato chips? It’s an article of faith that salt is hazardous to your health. And it’s very difficult to avoid, since most more

  • 3. Righteousness Plus

    Contributed on Nov 24, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The law has a purpose beyond itself. The law is a tool to form a people for God.

    Judicial philosophy is much in the news right now. And underlying the debates – in addition to some very important policy issues - are some very fundamental questions. Who makes the law? Where does law come from? What is law for? What can law do? What role should religion play in the formation of more

  • 4. Murder Mystery

    Contributed on Nov 24, 2022

    Anger is the impulse to strike out - either with words or with actions - at whatever threatens us, or threatens something we value. Anger is an impulse to destruction. Anger is in stark contrast to the commandment to love, which brings life.

    Have you ever caught yourself looking at your reflection in a shop window? I have to confess that I sometimes do. I'll wager there's not one person in this room who doesn't take at least one good look at him or herself in the mirror every day. Maybe you don't care much. But you more

  • 5. Broken Speech

    Contributed on Nov 24, 2022

    God’s interest isn’t limited to whether or not you are swearing falsely. God’s interest is in whether or not you are speaking falsely.

    I’ve been racking my brains all week to find a lead-in to this week’s commandment without referring to politics. But I keep coming back to it like a moth to a candle. At least we’re no longer right in the middle of actual accusations of perjury... but the question of truth vs. political advantage more

  • 6. The Second Mile

    Contributed on Nov 24, 2022

    Responding to sinners with grace imitates God’s own treatment of us.

    Preacher David Hoke tells a great story about a weary truck driver who pulled his rig into an all night truck stop late one summer evening in Broken Bow, NE. He was tired and hungry. The waitress had just served him when three tough looking, leath-er-jacketed bikers of the Hell's Angels type more

  • 7. Present Perfect

    Contributed on Nov 24, 2022

    God is always love, and I am to reflect him all the time, regardless of how people behave towards me.

    Once upon a time, long long ago, in a galaxy far far away, that passage from Matthew changed my life. Well, it wasn’t another galaxy, exactly, but it was certainly another world. And it certainly feels like a long time ago. I started working for the Pillsbury Company over 40 years ago. But this more

  • 8. Private Relations

    Contributed on Nov 24, 2022

    God gives us what we value most. If it’s public recognition, we get it. We get God’s approval only if that is what we value.

    Our culture admires publicity. People are famous just for being famous. We grow up watching people who command the public eye; we call them stars. They are the people with money, fame, position, power and recognition. They are held up by the media as larger than life, people to be envied. We more

  • 9. Smart Investing

    Contributed on Nov 24, 2022

    Make a deliberate investment decision to spend your time, money, effort and attention on the things that last. And what lasts? Loving God, and loving your neighbor.

    Last month I had the fun of deciding how to invest the profit of the sale of my New Jersey house. And it was fun, and I think I’ve made good choices. But my track record is nothing to boast about. When I cashed in a chunk of my IRA for the down payment on that same house, I told my broker that I more

  • 10. Reading Light, Leading Light

    Contributed on Nov 24, 2022

    People see the world from different angles. I’d like to suggest that the Holy Spirit gives us Christ’s perspective. We need to start seeing the world through Christ-colored glasses, which is not the same as rose-colored glasses. Jesus saw compassionately, but he also saw clearly and realistically.

    How many of you own a flashlight? I probably have half a dozen, and most of them have dead batteries in them. I’d be lost without the flashlight app on my smart phone, because it’s always charged. It works. It helps me see where I’m going. It is, to use Jesus’ word, healthy. I think you can all more

  • 11. Worry Warts

    Contributed on Nov 24, 2022

    If you really believe that God is in charge, and that He loves you and will meet your needs, then you can live in faith rather than in fear.

    Anxiety is no joke. Maybe that’s why there are so many jokes about it. Take the old Peanuts cartoon that shows Linus coming up to Charlie Brown, dragging his blan-ket as he observes, “You look kinda depressed.” “I worry about school a lot,” Charlie replies. Then he adds, “I worry about my worrying more