Sermon Series
  • 1. Real Love- Part 1

    Contributed on Feb 16, 2022

    In part 1 of the message entitled Real Love, we explore the definition of God's love versus the world’s love.

    Worldly love is selfish and politically correct but not good necessarily. It is also anti-Christian. Worldly love has no love or room for God. You see that all the time. You see that on the streets. You see that at festivals. You see that at gatherings of families. You see that at parties. You see more

  • 2. Real Love- Part 2

    Contributed on Feb 25, 2022

    Imagine, if the Lord’s condition for coming down and dying for our souls and doing anything for us was based on whether we’ll be thankful or not.

    Imagine, those ten that were healed of leprosy. If the Lord would have stopped, having the foreknowledge that only one would come back and nine would not give him thanks, He had the choice to say, “I won’t do this for them.” But did the Lord do that? No! He did not. He loved freely. Freely we have more

  • 3. Real Love- Part 3

    Contributed on Feb 26, 2022

    Thank you for joining us for Part 3 of the message Real Love with Dr. Pradeep Stephen. We welcome you and trust that the Lord will bless you, enable you to know His divine love and how to walk in that love.

    The truth of God and the love of God turn people away from sin. When God said, “I loved you with an everlasting love. I gave My blood to wash you from your sins. I have sanctified you. I have set you apart as My own peculiar treasure that in the ages to come I may pour upon you, more

  • 4. Real Love Part 4

    Contributed on Mar 4, 2022

    Praise the Lord and we are thankful that you tuned in for part 4 and the conclusion of the message entitled Real Love. May the Lord bless you!

    We have to keep ourselves in the Love of God, there is a responsibility it’s not automatic. There are those who believe that once God has saved us, automatically we will be safe. That is, we have no responsibility. Very clearly here, in this next to the last book of the Bible, the more