Sermon Series
  • 1. Our King Weeps At His Parade

    Contributed on Apr 2, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus, in fulfilment of Zechariah 9:9-10. rides into Jerusalem and a massive parade starts. It seems that Jesus should be happy. The people are joyful and God is being praised. Yet in the middle of His parade Jesus weeps. Things are not as they seem.

    Message Luke 19:28-44 “Our King Weeps At His Parade” You know something is important in a person’s life when they have multiple words to describe the same thing. (Picture of a toilet) Toilet, WC, Dunny, Throne, John, Loo … quite a lot of other names that are not so polite. (Picture of Me and more

  • 2. Our King Jesus Having Authority

    Contributed on Apr 2, 2018

    As furniture flies, and coins crash, and sheep scatter, and doves disappear, and people panic we see Jesus our King laying down a challenge of authority against the spiritual leaders so that He can pave the way for us to come into the Kingdom.

    Message Luke 19:45-20:8 Our King Jesus Having Authority Only recently has Jesus ridden into town on the colt … the foal of a donkey. The action caused huge excitement. Some people were cutting branches off palm trees and laying them on the ground. Others were taking of their good cloaks and more

  • 3. Our King Jesus’ Last Supper

    Contributed on Apr 9, 2018

    Jesus deliberately organises the last supper so there won’t be interruptions. Jesus uses the bread and wine to point to a future relationship; He uses an argument to teach humble servant hood; and He gives encouragement so our faith may not fail.

    Message Luke 22:7-38 Our King Jesus’ Last Supper If you knew that your meal tonight was going to be your last meal, what would you do? What setting would you choose? Who would you invite? What would you eat? I suspect a lot of us would choose a really lovely setting, perhaps over-looking the more

  • 4. Our King Jesus Easily Abandoned

    Contributed on Apr 9, 2018

    As Jesus makes his way to from the Last Supper to the Cross he is abandoned. Abandoned by the disciples who fall asleep. Abandoned by Judas who betrays him. Abandoned by Peter who denies him. Despite this abandonment Jesus does not abandon us.

    Message Luke 22:39-62 Our King Jesus Easily Abandoned Here is a Scripture that many people find to be a great encouragement. We do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. Hebrews more

  • 5. Jesus Uniting Enemies

    Contributed on Apr 9, 2018

    In this section of Luke we find individuals and groups of people – the Roman Soldiers, the Sanhedrin, Pilate and Herod – all uniting together against Jesus. In the face of such unity we need to ask the question – “Are we on the wrong side?”

    Message Luke 22:63-23:12 Jesus Uniting Enemies Example Uniting for a common cause. Describe a bad car accident • People will rush to help. • No-one really votes on a leader, but everything just gets organised. • Blankets, water, shade. • People comforting. People who are not normally working more

  • 6. Our King Jesus Falsely Condemned

    Contributed on Apr 23, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus received a properly conducted trial by Pilate, yet Jesus still ended up being crucified. This message identifies the cause.

    Message Our King Jesus Falsely Condemned. Luke 23:13-25 There is a common perception that the trials of Jesus - one conducted by the Sanhedrin and one conducted by Pilate - were both illegal and made without observation of the rule of law. That is certainly true for the “trial” by the more

  • 7. Our King Jesus Declared Righteous

    Contributed on Apr 23, 2018

    The Centurion at the crucifixion was one of the closest witnesses to the death of Jesus – and he becomes the first convert confessing Jesus as the righteous Son of God.

    Message Luke 23:47 Our King Jesus Declared Righteous Let’s start by putting ourselves at the foot of the cross. You are the centurion who is responsible for overseeing the crucifixion of Jesus. What sort of person are you? You are a person with a real sense of justice. That is what the Roman more

  • 8. Our King Jesus Interprets Scripture

    Contributed on Apr 23, 2018

    The confusion and despair of the disciples on the day of the resurrection turns into joy because Jesus the King explains the Scriptures to the companions on the road to Emmaus.

    Message Luke 24:13-35 Our King Jesus Interprets Scripture The day of the resurrection must have been a very confusing day for many. The Passover festival has finished and so has the Sabbath. It is time to go home. That is what thousands of people did on the Resurrection Sunday. We might kind of more

  • 9. Our King Jesus Proves He Is Alive

    Contributed on Apr 25, 2018

    In the days following his resurrection Jesus keeps appearing, eventually over 500 people are witnesses that he is alive. However the most important witness to the resurrection is that all Scripture points to the suffering, but risen, Saviour.

    Message Luke 24:36-49 Our King Jesus Proves He Is Alive When it comes to the importance of the resurrection Paul pulls no punches 14 If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. … 17 If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. more

  • 10. Our King Jesus Ascends Into Heaven

    Contributed on Apr 30, 2018

    As Jesus ascends to heaven he blesses the disciples. This blessing is the sign of the many benefits which the ascension of Jesus gives to us.

    Message Luke 24:50-53; Acts 1:1-11 Our King Jesus Ascends into Heaven Let’s start straight away by reading the last few verses of Luke. Luke 24:50-53 We don’t really get indications of when this took place or the full extent of what happened when Jesus went to heaven. Indeed, we could almost be more