Sermon Series
  • 1. Psalms Of Christmas

    Contributed on Dec 7, 2020

    Hymns, holiday music are a big part of Christmas, but the greatest Christmas songs were written long before Christ's birth!

    Intro: Among many things, holiday music, and hymns are a big part of the Christmas season and celebration! Why is that? As one music aficionado put it: There’s something about “that Christmas feeling” that words can’t describe, but the music can capture. There’s a feeling associated with the more

  • 2. Psalms 8 - A Psalm Of Christmas

    Contributed on Dec 14, 2020

    A study of Psalm 8 will help to see what an “indescribable, unspeakable gift” God’s Son, Jesus really is!

    Intro: Gift giving is a big part of the Christmas celebration. Retailers are literally banking on it! The 5 week period between Thanksgiving Day and Christmas is the season where approximately 25% of their annual sales takes place! The Christian tradition of gift giving at Christmas has its more

  • 3. Psalm 22- The Price Of The Gift

    Contributed on Dec 29, 2020

    The Christmas season is defined by the giving of gifts. To fully appreciate the gift of the God's Son, and the salvation He brings, we must appreciate the tremendous price He paid for it!

    Text: Psalm 22:1-22 and other Messianic Psalms Into: The Christmas season is defined by some very special traditions. Songs that commemorate the meaning and message of the season. The giving of gifts which reflects the “spirit” of the season! After all what is Christmas all about? Isaiah 9: 6a more

  • 4. The Greatest Gift Of All- John 3:16

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2021

    Many will be opening unwanted gifts this Christmas, but there is a gift that is the greatest gift that is available to all!

    I’m going to present to you, as a present, my gift, or better said God’s gift to you, on the Sunday before Christmas, what would be considered the greatest verse, most widely read and communicated verse in the bible… John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that more